View Full Version : Waking up with anxiety every morning

30-07-18, 12:06
Does anybody find that? Right now I seem to wake up and look for my anxiety and check how I feel, I check my worries and ask myself how much they are distressing me today. Luckily I’ve had no new worries I seem to be going round the same issues on a loop.

How do I feel? Well everything seems spoiled in my life either due to contamination or people not seeming real and my life being disconnected. It’s an awful feeling waking up every day feeling life is pointless and you are just living to eat and sleep with no emotion? I fear going mad trying to figure out meaning of life ect

Can anybody relate and does it get better? :blush:

30-07-18, 12:27

30-07-18, 14:46
unfortunately yes its the viscous circle of anxiety x

30-07-18, 17:51
It's very common with an anxiety disorder, Phil.

30-07-18, 18:04
Why do you think you have "no emotion"? Is it because others are not real to you?

30-07-18, 19:39
Why do you think you have "no emotion"? Is it because others are not real to you?

Yes pretty much since I developed these thoughts my emotions have been numb.

30-07-18, 20:12
It’s very important to wake up and immediately think something positive. It’s a beautiful day, today I’m going to feel good, I won’t start the day worrying etc... give it a go tomorrow, look up some positive affirmations and try it.

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15-08-18, 22:49
At the moment I spend all day feeling anxious or uneasy or fear going mad and can sit feeling this way for hours I feel my anxiety is never low right now anybody else get this?

---------- Post added at 22:49 ---------- Previous post was at 22:21 ----------

I had to take a propranolol to calm me down I don’t have anymore as I came off them but had a few left in the house perhaps I need them more often?

16-08-18, 01:51
Yes, everyday for years. I spent years crawling out of the utter mess a relapse and a med caused. There was no good days, for the first about 18 months nearly everyday was very bad and some not quite so intense. With each year things gradually reduced and cycles of on/off bad-not so bad eased in intensity.

16-08-18, 08:03
Yes every day and all day and a bad stomach with it,20 years now,but strangely 3 days ago it disappeared for a day,but returned the next day,no logical explanation for it:)

16-08-18, 08:14
I’m stuck in that rut right now and can’t see a way out. I’m too scared to take the meds due to the side effects but the thought of my life being like this forever is too much to think about which makes me more anxious. It’s a viscous circle 😔

16-08-18, 09:11
So what’s the best way to beat these fears of going mad? :blush:

16-08-18, 11:48
Hello you cannot fight them it makes them worse trust me I have been like this for a very long time,I know what I am doing wrong but even me cannot accept how I feel,just keep plugging away is the only advice I can give you my friend,you cannot get rid of how you feel if you can learn to accept it ,it will go away on its own,enjoy your day,and just do what you would normally do anyway,however hard it seems:)

---------- Post added at 11:48 ---------- Previous post was at 10:36 ----------

I’m stuck in that rut right now and can’t see a way out. I’m too scared to take the meds due to the side effects but the thought of my life being like this forever is too much to think about which makes me more anxious. It’s a viscous circle 😔

Would you believe that if I sit in a certain chair I get adrenaline releases but I still insist on sitting in it as avoidance is a no no,as I am trying to send a message that is is perfectly OK to sit there,I have just floated round Tescos(walking on air):D not at all a nice feeling I can assure you,especially when your waiting in a queue ,but that's OK as no one takes any notice:)

16-08-18, 17:14
Hello you cannot fight them it makes them worse trust me I have been like this for a very long time,I know what I am doing wrong but even me cannot accept how I feel,just keep plugging away is the only advice I can give you my friend,you cannot get rid of how you feel if you can learn to accept it ,it will go away on its own,enjoy your day,and just do what you would normally do anyway,however hard it seems:)

---------- Post added at 11:48 ---------- Previous post was at 10:36 ----------

Would you believe that if I sit in a certain chair I get adrenaline releases but I still insist on sitting in it as avoidance is a no no,as I am trying to send a message that is is perfectly OK to sit there,I have just floated round Tescos(walking on air):D not at all a nice feeling I can assure you,especially when your waiting in a queue ,but that's OK as no one takes any notice:)

Same here with stuff like the chair. When things were worse I struggled with any change at all whether it was clothes, the wrong fork or the wrong meal for that day of week.

Like you say you have to push through. It's hard but repetition works eventually.

19-11-18, 23:04
Past day I’ve had physical symptoms like sore stomach, sore back and chest pains

The doctor is giving me more beta blockers soon this may help?

I wake up each day at the moment and feel tense and worry I’m going mad and I need relaxation to try and relax.

At some points of the day like at work it does pass and I feel better but then when I am at home it’s worse.

Can anyone relate to this?

---------- Post added at 23:04 ---------- Previous post was at 22:43 ----------

I got a new laptop on Black Friday sales and worry I can’t afford it it was cheap but that may not help my anxiety plus all the frizzy drinks I have? I’m also stressed as my partner works full time and I don’t see her much

08-12-18, 11:43
I have been feeling crap now for 8 months since I moved house

Is it possible to feel run down that long with anxiety? I never seem to wake up and feel well and relaxed always a tense, weak, run down, tired

Anybody else went long periods feeling unwell?

08-12-18, 17:05
Morning issues have been the centerpeice of my issues since almost the beginning. (Years ago)

I've made a lot of improvement and seen the mornings improve. But when things crank up, it almost always starts in the morning. (Right out of sleep.)

For me, I can feel in some way how it relates to the REM cycles in sleep, dreams.. sometimes vivid or disturbing. Sometimes seemingly benign, but strong long dream patterns seem to coincide with the morning panic.

It feels like I've been drugged on these days, like my brain is not capable of using its rational sections.

But... it always improves. These days usually it improves pretty fast as the day moves on.
We have to get up and get moving. The way I try to look at it is... today my job is to bring this along with me and let it do what it wants.

We have to allow it to burn itself out. Trying to stop it or question it just prolongs it, of course.

Not sure why the mornings are such an issue. (Beyond the cortisol being higher, etc.)
But it is for many of us it appears. I don't think it's important. I think it's overall stress levels and the mornings are just a proxy.

14-12-18, 10:41
I’m so with you on this one , it feels like going through hell every day , wish it would just **** off niw , Christmas not helping at all

Groundhog Day

14-12-18, 12:42
Just wondering how you are doing Phil06 and Tristan, i know what you are going through, it's hell but you gotta keep going...are you getting some help from Dr etc...

14-12-18, 14:11
Finding it hard to get any help , it’s got so bad I have had to move out of my family home and back with my mum as I just can’t cope with it any more , I wake in a crisis state and takes most of the day to calm down , so sad as I have 3 boys and a wife waiting for me to get better ��

---------- Post added at 14:11 ---------- Previous post was at 14:07 ----------

I have been feeling crap now for 8 months since I moved house

Is it possible to feel run down that long with anxiety? I never seem to wake up and feel well and relaxed always a tense, weak, run down, tired

Anybody else went long periods feeling unwell?

I can so relate to what you are going through , just don’t see it ever getting better and spend a lot of my day scared .

14-12-18, 14:26
How long has it been like this?, have you been to see you're Doctor, if you are doing things to help yourself and it is'nt improving you need to get help from your Dr...

I and many others on here know what you are going through Tristan..

14-12-18, 16:29
I know how bad it feels Tristan. I've had plenty of this over the years.

A few things to remember about what you are experiencing...

-This is not a medical problem. You can see a doctor but they can only offer you drugs to dampen the symptoms temporarily. Ther is nothing medically wrong with you. Your body is acting normally for the stress it has encountered. (Through life, your worry, etc.)

-This is VERY common. Plenty of us have this "style" of suffering. (The morning ramping, etc.) Morning anxiety is very common and easily explained by the action of hormones/body chemistry.

-Lots of people have overcome this, including me for long periods. Once we learn to contain our worry and stop ADDING FUEL TO THE FIRE... this will calm. Mornings will get better and you will slowly see improvement and slowly will lose fear of how you feel when you wake.

This is a process we all have to commit to doing. None of this will disappear by us being angry at it or any other methods other than deciding we've had enough... and doing the hard work. Learning to contain our fears, learning to ACCEPT how we feel and moving on with our day and taking our lives back.

I know how you feel. I've been there. I still can have nasty mornings. Even for days at a time. (Setbacks, etc.)

Hang in there and check out the work of people like Jim Folk, Paul David and others who have helped people overcome stress disorder.

14-12-18, 16:30
It’s bern like this for most of the year , I see a psychiatrist once every 3 months and on so many pills I hate it

14-12-18, 16:36
It’s bern like this for most of the year , I see a psychiatrist once every 3 months and on so many pills I hate it

Pills can't fix this. What pill could? The magic "I don't feel so good in the morning pill?"

Google Jim Folk/Anxiety.

Read through the material and consider a therapist or consider signing up and reading/listening to his Skype calls, etc.

This is a process we have to work through. It begins with acceptance... and being tired of giving our power away to this bodily reaction.

Seeing a therapist a few times a year and taking drugs will not fix anything.
If you want to move on, you have to commit to daily mindset work, therapy, re-framing of your experience and re-building your confidence.

All of which... you can absolutely do.

14-12-18, 16:42
Pills can't fix this. What pill could? The magic "I don't feel so good in the morning pill?"

Google Jim Folk/Anxiety.

Read through the material and consider a therapist or consider signing up and reading/listening to his Skype calls, etc.

This is a process we have to work through. It begins with acceptance... and being tired of giving our power away to this bodily reaction.

Seeing a therapist a few times a year and taking drugs will not fix anything.
If you want to move on, you have to commit to daily mindset work, therapy, re-framing of your experience and re-building your confidence.

All of which... you can absolutely do.

Does he provide a free service?

14-12-18, 18:17
Does he provide a free service?

He's just one option - no one gives their time for free of course becuase we all have to eat.

But, they do offer:
-Free videos on Youtube
-Free info without signing up
-A VERY cheap yearly subscription rate that offers the most collective information on the planet on stress disorder and it's not close.

That said, if you truly cannont invest a few dollars in your own health.... look into...

-Paul David's blog (Anxiety no more) - free
-Youtube Claire Weekes audio
-Google "nothing works, a letter to myself"
-Youtube "David Daish Anxiety" for his videos

There are tons of free resources out there for true recovery from stress disorder/anxiety/panic, etc.

I recommended Jim Folk's work becuase for that one time cost, you get access to daily info, all the skype call archives, thousands of pages of explanations of symptoms, forum access, etc. To me, that's worth the 8 bucks a month it ends up being, etc.

But, there are plenty of free resources to get started.

15-12-18, 08:55
Here comes scared and can’t cope again , so , so fed up

22-07-19, 02:46
Tonight I felt anxiety and lots of random thoughts seems to happen at night. Could it be too much chocolate and fizzy drinks I wonder if the caffeine is having an affect on me?

The anxiety has been in morning but seems to have switched to at night or early morning when I am trying to sleep

24-07-19, 13:35
I’m the same , every morning I wake up scared , full of anxiety and dread for the day ahead , it’s just getting worse and now I’m not doing anything anymore because of it

24-07-19, 17:45
I first had this aged 21 when I had compulsive intrusive thoughts due to exam stress, horrible during exam time and also such a social time at uni!
It returned this year (im 26 ) after some awful health anxiety/masters stress and is currently staying away from me as my stomach has been more relaxed. Littlest things set it off though..the rain, loneliness...ugh...even when Im in a kitchen with my flatmates first thing Im like "gather the worries of today!" SO SO ANNOYING. Especially cos our brains know its all just anxiety...

Some tips though - its VERY common in the morning apparantly due to the fact that we're in a dead sleep then BOOM - our incredible motor neurones are doing a reality check - its actually our bodies way of protecting ourselves against any action we need to be prepared for ...just wish they didnt make it so obvious haha