View Full Version : Do anxiety forums help or trigger you?

30-07-18, 15:10
Just out of curiosity, wondering what happens to us health anxiety sufferers when we look at sites like NMP or other anxiety forums regularly. I have health anxiety and have been doing better lately, although in the past year or so, it has been a pretty rough ride at times. I've had extensive medical tests and over 20 doctor's appointments in the past year, though nothing notable was ever found to be wrong with me. I'm starting to accept that all bodies have normal weirdness at times, even the most healthy ones. I think if there were a serious, sinister symptom, it would be pretty apparent (this is what my doctor has told me). Anyway, I'm in CBT (finishing up) and I see a psychiatrist every couple of months. So, this site, I feel, has helped me pretty immensely at times. But I wonder, do I have this impression because I was seeking reassurance and I felt it provided some? I was on vacation last week and didn't really look at this site. I definitely felt calmer. I started looking at it again this week, and have been having some anxious feelings, not really tied to anything, just butterflies in the stomach, kind of general anxious feelings. I also have felt a bit triggered by a couple of posts I've seen, but was ultimately able to talk myself out of going down any of those rabbit holes. If you are really, truly, life threateningly sick, I think you would know, and the doctors would find something amiss in blood work, physical exams, etc... I've had all these (plus more!) and am fine. However, I find it difficult to stop looking at this site, and particularly this forum. I wonder if others have the same issue. Is it just another form of reassurance or holding onto my anxiety that I have gotten accustomed to having? I think maybe I should exit this forum, but it's hard, as I've made a habit out of checking it. I absolutely love when a poster has received their test results and there is nothing wrong! Maybe vicarious experience for me? lol:)

30-07-18, 15:22
Just out of curiosity, wondering what happens to us health anxiety sufferers when we look at sites like NMP or other anxiety forums regularly. I have health anxiety and have been doing better lately, although in the past year or so, it has been a pretty rough ride at times. I've had extensive medical tests and over 20 doctor's appointments in the past year, though nothing notable was ever found to be wrong with me. I'm starting to accept that all bodies have normal weirdness at times, even the most healthy ones. I think if there were a serious, sinister symptom, it would be pretty apparent (this is what my doctor has told me). Anyway, I'm in CBT (finishing up) and I see a psychiatrist every couple of months. So, this site, I feel, has helped me pretty immensely at times. But I wonder, do I have this impression because I was seeking reassurance and I felt it provided some? I was on vacation last week and didn't really look at this site. I definitely felt calmer. I started looking at it again this week, and have been having some anxious feelings, not really tied to anything, just butterflies in the stomach, kind of general anxious feelings. I also have felt a bit triggered by a couple of posts I've seen, but was ultimately able to talk myself out of going down any of those rabbit holes. If you are really, truly, life threateningly sick, I think you would know, and the doctors would find something amiss in blood work, physical exams, etc... I've had all these (plus more!) and am fine. However, I find it difficult to stop looking at this site, and particularly this forum. I wonder if others have the same issue. Is it just another form of reassurance or holding onto my anxiety that I have gotten accustomed to having? I think maybe I should exit this forum, but it's hard, as I've made a habit out of checking it. I absolutely love when a poster has received their test results and there is nothing wrong! Maybe vicarious experience for me? lol:)

I personally see more triggering than anything else. It's apparent by the number and patterns of node threads, and most recently rabies threads along with every other fear. You should have seen the boards during that ebola scare a couple of years ago! That being said, there a few that benefit and take action on their own behalf to seek real life help.

Positive thoughts

30-07-18, 15:43
I can imagine those ebola threads! I wasn't worried about that, as I wasn't having any HA at that time. I had never even looked at an anxiety forum until last year, even though I had HA pretty bad in my late teens/early 20's. I'm 40 now (just turned!) and I'm wondering if that milestone birthday wasn't the cause of the flare up of HA. I'm known in my family/friends as a hypochondriac, but this year it became so acute I had to seek help. Anxiety produced some very real and scary physical symptoms. I could manifest the symptoms of anything I was afraid of. It's so wild that psychosomatic suggestion is so powerful! That being said, I agree that this site is triggering. If I was completely, 100% fully recovered, I think I could look at this site and not be triggered, and even be able to help. I almost have finished my Master's degree in clinical social work. However, I am going to try my best to stay away, as I think I've possibly replaced my old google habit with checking this forum.I hide my screen from my husband and kids when I'm looking at this site and they are around. That tells me I need to find a more positive outlet for my energy.

30-07-18, 16:09
In my experience it has depended on where I am with the anxiety. If I’m doing well, it’s helpful to read others posts because it’s easy to pick out the HA patterns and relate to my own previous experiences. Its a good way to learn about/understand your own patterns. If I didn’t have anxiety under control, I think it would be terrible. You end up reading about things you would have never thought of on your own....all of a sudden you think you have it.

30-07-18, 16:20
I agree with Fish, honestly, many people do not seem eager or willing to get the help they need elsewhere. Some are even outright hostile to the suggestion they try to get the help for anxiety, but that is sort of the nature of the problem.

I am much better than I used to be, MUCH better. I have found a lot of peace in recent years. Periodically I dig up an old thread of mine and have a look at how bad a place I was in a long time ago, and I feel that progress.

I think the problem is, the battle against anxiety is not immediate. It is a long, hard slog. You have setbacks, you have problems, maybe even a real diagnosis. But if you fight that hard fight, it *does* pay off, but it is so hard to be patient in this day and age of immediate gratification. If we want to lose weight, we do not expect to lose 100 pounds in a week, why should we expect to rewire our entire way of thinking overnight either?

So, all too often, health anxiety forums becomes that "quick fix," a hit of reassurance that people think will give them comfort. The problem is, people only come here when it is bad, for the most part. That makes this place a petri dish of people often at the bottom of the HA pit and the people coming here are often there too, easily triggered and vulnerable to triggers. So then begins the cycle of rabies threads etc.

I have made an effort to come here while feeling better for that very reason, but often it falls on deaf ears.

30-07-18, 16:26
I agree with Fish, honestly, many people do not seem eager or willing to get the help they need elsewhere. Some are even outright hostile to the suggestion they try to get the help for anxiety, but that is sort of the nature of the problem.

This is very true. I never stopped being amazed at the number of people posting on an ANXIETY forum who believe that their issues have nothing at all to do with ANXIETY.

30-07-18, 16:59
I’m going to go most definitely with HELP
It is really helpful to realise what physical effects anxiety can have and to be supported by peers who are suffering in a similar way is invaluable.
I would feel very alone (in my anxiety) without this site. My real life loved ones are totally amazingly wonderful but they don’t get my anxiety at all (and find it rather boring!)

30-07-18, 18:17
They trigger me. I admit I come here instead of google MOST of the time something is wrong and I use the search feature to see how what I’m feeling worked out for others. That helps me. However, I cannot come here while I’m doing well. You’ll see I updated a thread of mine and then was absent while I was doing well. That tends to be my pattern. I agree it feeds the dragon, but I also enjoy the company of people who get it rather than people who think you have six heads and are wishing for bad things to happen. I’m only two years into health anxiety so this is new to me, general anxiety and ocd I’m more familiar with.

30-07-18, 18:19
For me, they help. I see that other people are having the same symptoms/fears that I'm having, and it just kind of puts it into perspective. I don't feel like I'm the "only one" and that I'm going crazy.

30-07-18, 20:50
A few people on here have helped me calm down with their replies and made me feel less alone in some experiences. Hopefully I've helped a few people with some of mine. This site gives me perspective but I feel I'm on it too much, but that's probably just a standard web forum thing rather than an anxiety thing. At some point I know I'll probably switch off the site for a while. Good to take a break but for me so far on balance it's been a positive force.

31-07-18, 00:20
It varies for me. When I'm starting to feel anxious about something I find it really helpful to see others with health anxiety and realize how their posts mirror my own anxiety pattern. I can see how someone else is only having anxiety and that helps me see that's what's going on with me.

But, I've definitely been triggered by this sight. I'm an empath (I really absorb other people's energy), so if I spend too much time on here it triggers my anxiety. I had a terrible anxiety rebound about botulism last year because of a post on here. So, I have to really be careful depending on my state of mind.

31-07-18, 03:35
In my experience it has depended on where I am with the anxiety. If I’m doing well, it’s helpful to read others posts because it’s easy to pick out the HA patterns and relate to my own previous experiences. Its a good way to learn about/understand your own patterns. If I didn’t have anxiety under control, I think it would be terrible. You end up reading about things you would have never thought of on your own....all of a sudden you think you have it.

This is how I feel. When I have my anxiety well under control, I can come to forums like this and gain insight into my anxiety.

I am less under control (but clawing my way back). I don't think I'm triggered exactly, but there are topics I won't read because they aren't in my current fear juke box and I want to keep it that way.

31-07-18, 10:22
I think this helps it makes you feel less alone and like your not the only one. I come on here instead of googling my symptoms and freaking my self out so I'm defo taking that as a positive.