View Full Version : I’m new on here and worried about lymph nodes please help

30-07-18, 17:22
Hi no more panicers,
I have used your site for great comfort for a long time now as I suffer with severe health anxiety.
It kicked off with lymph nodes 2 years ago and since then I started meds and had cbt which helped me tremendously.
I also suffer from a skin condition called Hidradenitis Suppurativa which causes abscesses and boils in the groin and armpits.
This is one of those diseases that has flare ups every now and again but it is normally kept at bay with a three month course of acne antibiotics (lymecycline)
After a particularly Nast abscess I was put onto a stronger anti bitocs flucloxacillin and then amoxicillin to clear it up. This was three weeks ago and I have woke up yesterday morning with an enlarged lymph node (painless) on the opposite side to were the infection is and two tender ones on the corresponding size.
I have been to my go today and she has assured me she is not worried it is sinister but because it doesn’t hurt me then I should go back in two weeks if it hasn’t gone down.
I know people who don’t suffer from HA and breathe a huge sigh of relief but I just heard ‘it won’t go away and when you come back in two weeks it will still be there’
The thought of it not going down terrifies me and I don’t know how I will cope if it doesn’t. She said we will just get it checked if it has t gone but she thinks it will go away and that it is due to the skin infection.
I think maybe in the past I could have possibly had large nodes because of the skin condition but I am so scared that I can’t remeber if think straight l. Either way the day before I go on holiday with my husband and two daughters is the day I have to go back to her.
Guys I am spiralling our of control. I’ve not eaten all day and I can’t stop googling to see if it’s lymphoma and if I will survive it to see my kids grow up 😢😔
I have read mindprisons sticky which gave me immense comfort but unless I read it over and over the anxiety just comes back
Does anyone have any positive stories of their own which can help me reassure myself I don’t in fact have lymphoma?
I really need some support guys I am desperate 😢😢😢

30-07-18, 17:58
Oooohhh nnoooo ! It’s not lymphoma. So many people on here (me included) worry about lymph nodes. Have you looked at the sticky threads on the subject? They are very helpful .
I hope you have a lovely holiday

30-07-18, 18:02
Thankyou for replying Jojo.
It makes me feel less crazy to hear someone else feels the same, although I’m so sorry you have this fear too.
I figure if it was lymphoma I would know about it?! (Eg other symptoms and multiple hard lymph nodes)
I pray that they do go down by the time two weeks is over.