View Full Version : I burnt my finger

Clydesdale Epona
30-07-18, 19:13
Hey guys so I stupidly touched the top of my middle finger against the stove slightly for a second, it really hurts and I've held it under water for a good 15 to 20 minutes is it okay now? The finger is a little red and the blister is slightly forming I'm just scared it's still burning? Is it okay? I know I want to go to a and e but it's probably not that bad just scared with how much it burns, if it's fine I don't mind dealing with the pain just worried it's still burning :weep:

30-07-18, 19:15
We've all burnt ourselves at one point or another. No biggie :shrug: If it hurts, ice helps.

Positive thoughts

30-07-18, 19:30
You don't need to go to A&E with a burnt finger to be honest.

You seem to get a lot of worries about silly things so I am wondering what help you are getting to deal with it all.

30-07-18, 20:14
No it’s just a little burn, happens to people all the time.

Don’t play with it, don’t cover it up & don’t put cream on it. It’ll be sore for a day or two.

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Clydesdale Epona
30-07-18, 22:17
I'm not receiving any help sadly been this way since my diagnosis apart from two 5 weeks bouts of CBT a year each apart I am a mess particularly lately, thinking one of the dogs has dislocated my toe again by standing on it but don't know why I'm terrified as its just a simple minor injuries visit tomorrow if so, I am a wreck lately

30-07-18, 22:41
I'm not receiving any help sadly been this way since my diagnosis apart from two 5 weeks bouts of CBT a year each apart I am a mess particularly lately, thinking one of the dogs has dislocated my toe again by standing on it but don't know why I'm terrified as its just a simple minor injuries visit tomorrow if so, I am a wreck lately

Have you tried meds? Might help ease your anxiety, Epona.

Clydesdale Epona
30-07-18, 23:33
Have tried getting them or maybe some longer term counselling but always getting denied, need to find other ways to get any x

31-07-18, 00:49
Have tried getting them or maybe some longer term counselling but always getting denied, need to find other ways to get any x

Ask your GP again. You had bad experience with burglary recently too, so anxiety has gone through roof. Meds are not a cure but something needs to be done short-term to get you back on your feet.

Clydesdale Epona
31-07-18, 04:35
I will enquire when i get home, went to A and E for chest pains got given antibs but told to come back if i get shortness of breath ect indicating a blood clot in the lung because of y risk factor with contraceptives.
I should be happy but all i can do is panic in case it is and how would i know to go back? They start from previous blood clots and i know i haven't had ny in my legs or arms just still panicking, i really am mess :(

Clydesdale Epona
01-08-18, 01:13
Sorry for the ramble and bump just really can't sleep and wanted to vent.

This is the first time honestly that getting medical advice/help has made me feel so much more anxious

My risks of blood clots are rather low apart from the contraceptive pill and implant but here I am at 01:10 convinced I have a pulmonary embolism thanks to the doctor who told me to go back to A and E if i got shortness of breath as it possibly may be a blood clot on lung :weep:
It's been 24 hrs and haven't noticed any change other my heartbeat in my chest and it being iregular(fast but then slow/strained) could be my anxiety as its particularly bad today but I'm just convinced I'm gonna die tonight :/

01-08-18, 01:30
A&E is a waste of time IMO. You need to book a double appointment with your GP and explain how anxiety is ruining and impacting on your life. Show them this thread if necessary. I doubt very much any GP would refuse you a course of meds. But of course you must be willing to commit yourself to taking them and being compliant.

You surely don't want to carry on like this? :shrug:

Clydesdale Epona
01-08-18, 01:35
I really don't no tonight is so rubbish my chest really hurts and my heart beat is slow and iregular terrified can't sleep like this can't even breathe like this