View Full Version : Reflux Worries

31-07-18, 09:54
Hi All

5 weeks ago I experienced heartburn/uncomfortable feeling in my chest/sour taste/upper back pain. I went to the Drs who had a feel of tummy and gave me omeprazole 20mg for 4 weeks. I finished this last week. While on the omeprazole I felt much better apart from the odd twinge in my chest now and then.

A few days after finishing omeprazole I feel worse than ever. I have spoken to a different Dr who wants a blood test and to test for allergies and H pylori. I am so worried its something serious like stomach cancer/esophageal cancer. I am 38. He asked me if I was vomiting/loosing weight/blood or if food was getting stuck and I said no to all of those. He said it sounds like classic GERD.

My symptoms are:
Chest pain that feels like pressure
Sour taste in mouth
Burning throat
Esophagus feels raw
Cough (not all the time)
Post nasal drip

He wants me to re start omeprazole.


31-07-18, 10:07
It's encouraging that you felt a lot better when on the omeprazole. You could be having a rebound effect after coming off them. 4 weeks isn't very long to be on them. There's also Zantac which work by inhibiting histamine, it reduces stomach acid but doesn't stop it like PPI's. It often suits those who can't take PPI's.

It's good you're being tested for H-Pylori, I had it 15 years ago and there is effective treatment for it. Ditto the blood test.

The raw feeling in the throat and oesophagus is lightly from reflux.
Let us know how you get on.