View Full Version : 6 months Prickly sensations..need help!!

31-07-18, 14:30
Hi everyone im a 30 years old guy I've been relatively healthy all my life no other medical condition.I don't drink or smoke.

Basically for the last 6 months i have been having unexplained symptoms which started very spontaneously one evening after a shower my body started tingling/buzzing which than started to itch all over,at the time it seemed like some sort of reaction but I than delvoped*this prickly/stinging feeling in my hands and fingers also sometimes wake up with loss of sensation in hands i now feel these prickly sensations in different parts of my body also with body wide twitching.

I'm not sure what triggered this.I have had a lot of blood tests,sugar tests,MRI scans and a nerve conduction test all normal.few doctors have said maybe anxitey but i dont know,somtimes if they cant find anything straight away they just blame anxitey.This has really impacted my life as I don't know what's wrong with me and I feel I will be like this for ever also my wife is due to give*birth in the next few weeks..so as you can imagine this is the worst time to be going through this unexplained health problem.

Can anyone please let me know if they have any experience dealing with this kind of symptoms.Im not sure if this is anxitey as I'm sure with anxitey symptoms would come and go.ive always had a kind of health anxitey but symptoms of aches or pains allways seemed improve over weeks But This is on my mind 24/7 And it has not improved at all in 6 months.

01-08-18, 21:07
Hello shamaskhan2302
I suffer from general anxiety, its more or less under control now with meds, but i can relate to the sensations you have been experiencing, i used to get hot pins ans needles down my arms and also my neck and down my back. Once my anxiety was under control the strange symptoms just vanished.
Its an awful feeling and then when you worry about it, it just ads to the anxiety and the symptoms get worse.
There are senior members on this site that will come along with much better insight than myself and give you advice.
Hope this has helped a little, its a very scary thing anxiety but you will get better.
Wishing you happiness,

22-08-18, 18:22
You had all the tests done and nothing was found .. I thought I was suffering for a neuro desease for a year and I had it on my mind 24/7 .. thus I was feeling the symptoms almost daily . They only stopped when I had a brain and spinal cord MRI and the results were good. Then all of a sudden all those extreme symptoms have vanished coz I had finally got them out of my mind.