View Full Version : Tingly/prickly sensation 6 months 3

31-07-18, 16:33
Hi I've posted on the intro section but I think this section is more relevant.

Basically for the last 6 months i have been having unexplained symptoms which started very spontaneously one evening after a shower my body started tingling/buzzing which than started to itch all over,at the time it seemed like some sort of reaction but I than few days the itching subsided and in its place i delvoped*this prickly/stinging feeling in my hands and fingers also now i feel these sensations in different parts of my body also with body wide twitching.which is making me very anxious as this is not getting better.

I'm not sure what triggered this.I have had a lot of tests blood tests,sugar tests,MRI scans and a nerve conduction test all normal.This has really impacted my life as I don't know what's wrong with me and I feel I will be like this for ever also my wife is due to give*birth in the next few weeks..so as you can imagine this is the worst time to be going through this unexplained symptoms.

I have always been a over thinker and get stressed over little things..i do have health anxitey every time I get aches and pains..so can you imagine how I felt once I googled my symptoms and it started seeing all sorts of horrible health conditions I flipped and have been since..im currently on no meds just vitamins..im convinced I have some sort of neuropathy but it doesnt make sense as I'm 2 young to be dealing with this also nothing like this runs in my family and I don't have any other underlying condition...a few doctors at the start mentioned anxitey as that is what they do once they can't find anything straight away.

Can anyone help me who have/had similar symptoms feeling miserable..really apperacite it thanks

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01-08-18, 01:56
You’re not alone, if it makes you feel any better. I also get these sensations, predominantly in my left foot and left hand but it has slowly progressed to my torso, front shin, and sometimes the left side of my cranium. It comes and goes but originally it was a constant thing. I was convinced it has to be MS or something sinister but honestly, I’m about 85-95% sure it’s just anxiety and stress related.

Like you, I had all sorts of tests done, including an MRI only to be told I was fine. My neurologist suggested trying to treat the sensations and anxiety and prescribed a low dose of a drug known as Nortrytoline. I believe it has helped tremendously but I do still get tingly/stinging/goose prickly sensations from time to time. Still, if you’re at your wits end I’d definitely look into it.

Good luck, and try not to worry about it as best you can. You’re fine.

01-08-18, 10:23
You’re not alone, if it makes you feel any better. I also get these sensations, predominantly in my left foot and left hand but it has slowly progressed to my torso, front shin, and sometimes the left side of my cranium. It comes and goes but originally it was a constant thing. I was convinced it has to be MS or something sinister but honestly, I’m about 85-95% sure it’s just anxiety and stress related.

Like you, I had all sorts of tests done, including an MRI only to be told I was fine. My neurologist suggested trying to treat the sensations and anxiety and prescribed a low dose of a drug known as Nortrytoline. I believe it has helped tremendously but I do still get tingly/stinging/goose prickly sensations from time to time. Still, if you’re at your wits end I’d definitely look into it.

Good luck, and try not to worry about it as best you can. You’re fine.Thanks for the reply ryzinn...im trying to console my self this is down to anxitey as I said I am a anxious over thinker and all ways dread the worse but in this case I maybe true.

Yes I am having anxitey but it's definitely down to these symptoms...Im sure if it was just anxitey they wouldn't be so intense maybe some generalized pins and needles few times a days but this is painful and has been with me for 6 months straight.

I'm just waiting on the results of this skin biopsy and if this comes back clear than I will have to believe it's something else.

I don't know if this is a coincedence but the twitching did start after I started to Google all these sensory symptoms when my anxitey was through the roof.

01-08-18, 10:48
I had all of the above.I think once you get treatment for your Anxiety you will find the tingling,twitching will ease.:yesyes:

01-08-18, 11:23
I had all of the above.I think once you get treatment for your Anxiety you will find the tingling,twitching will ease.:yesyes:Hi Lola lee how are you feeling now are your symptoms completely gone?how.long did u have them?the thing im worried about is the onset one mintue im lying in bed back in January then I get up have a shower 10mins later all this full body tingling/buzzing..at the time it was no pain I tried keeping my health anxitey at check and tried distracting myself but as the symptoms didn't go away and I started to notice I'm waking up with numb hands after a few weeks I started to panic it is now more of a prickly/stinging pain.

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01-08-18, 18:14

I've had these symptoms for 2 years. Initially I thought it was MS and was in a dark place, I've had an MRI, neurologist visits, tested for Lymes Disease, got bloodwork done. Everything came back normal.

It's just another weird symptom that comes up with your anxiety. I've had anxiety for 7-8 years now, got it in college and the symptoms change over time. It used to be upset stomach/tight chest/inability to eat the first 6 years. Now it's burning tingling prickly sensations, weird headaches, dizziness.

My symptoms go away when I am less stressed. I notice there is a direct correlation with my symptoms during high stress/anxiety moments in my life.

Also now that I've been dealing with this for over 2 years, if it was something worse, I would have had another symptom by now right?

Do not worry! It's all anxiety + stress.

Hope this helps.