View Full Version : Another worry 😂

31-07-18, 17:57
So apparently I'm spiraling a bit this month. I'm taking steps to make it better but some short term reassurance would be great!

So my partner just opened a package we got this morning and instead of opening it like a normal person he just ripped into it 😂

The packaging was weird. It was one of those padded envelopes but instead of bubble wrap inside it was what looked like a newspaper mulch (it looks like the fluff you get in a tumble dryer but with the odd word thrown in).

The rational part of my brain is saying it's an environmentally friendly packaging. Since these packages get used once and binned filling them with bubble wrap is such a waste.

But the irrational side of me is very freaked out. I just wasn't expecting it and unexpected things always throw me off.

So some reassurance it was fine would be amazing <3

31-07-18, 18:13
I know what you mean about the inside material but why do you think this can hurt you ?

31-07-18, 18:19
I've never seen it before. All the ones I've ever accidentally ripped into have been bubble wrap.
I guess because it's something strange that I've not heard of before it set my anxiety off.

So it it a well known packaging material?

31-07-18, 18:24
Yes they have been around for many many years.

You need to be telling yourself that there is no way a jiffy bag can hurt you though.

31-07-18, 18:28
I thought jiffy ones were purely bubble wrap interiors ��
I know how stupid it sounds. Things I'm not expecting tend to scare me, especially when it ends up all over my sofa

31-07-18, 20:37
Read this a few times and im still not sure i understand. What is it you are actually worried about? :huh:

31-07-18, 21:15
I've been around the boards for a while but this is the first I've seen anyone ask for reassurance over packaging material :huh:

Positive thoughts

31-07-18, 21:17
I know exactly what you're talking about! I get anxiety about potential contaminants like this. It sounds so silly, but at the moment it's real. And, it's just like you said - something unexpected that may suddenly present a danger you weren't able to prevent. This was certainly totally harmless, but I can completely commiserate with that worry.

31-07-18, 21:36
Have a look at this:


It only took me seconds to find that on Google.

31-07-18, 23:18
Thank you all ��
Glad I could provide a giggle for everyone on this usually grim forum :roflmao:

I tried googling it earlier but all that was coming up was the bubble wrap version. And a story about some mystery jiffy bag parcel some guy got that was being investigated, so of course I stayed well away from that but the title still grabbedy thoughts

Erin> exactly that! It didn't help that I'd never seen it before and when it burst open it was all over the chair and powdery bits were floating in the air. Freaked me right out ��

Tldr: thought the bubblewrap material was replaced with something hazardous because I'd never seen that filling before xD

31-07-18, 23:34
I know the stuff you mean, its been around a while, its a fibre, more expensive jiffy bags use it, when you rip it open it sort of releases a dust in the air, dont worry about it tho.

01-08-18, 00:40
I'll add that I love learning a new British term I'd never heard - "Jiffy bag" is a good one! I'm going to try and make that one stick here in America, where we just call them boring old "padded envelops".