View Full Version : dizzy and scared

13-08-07, 08:52
hi there, this morning i went to get out of bed and felt so dizzy i had to lie back down, my heart was thumping and i was sweating, after a couple of minutes i tried again, and again the same thing happened. by now i was so scared i thought i was going to collapse. Eventually it subsided enough for me to get up but i am still feeling wobbly my legs are like jelly and i feel light headed can anyone give me any advice to help these horrible feelings i feel like my mind is racing and i am scared to move. Thanks Helen:weep:

13-08-07, 09:10
Hi I have just got a book about hyperventalation syndrome and have had some good results this weekend, basically we should be breathing thru our nose into our stomach (not our chest), this stops the dizzies if you can remain calm enough to do it.
Each breath counts as a IN & OUT breath, so you should be doing about 12 breaths a min, thats 6 breaths in 30 seconds.

Practise doing this when you wake up and before going to bed, also as often as you can thru the day (especially when your feeling anxious or dizzy).

hope this helps you.

13-08-07, 09:46
thanks for that, i will certainly give it a try, i just hope i can relax enough to concentrate on it. At the moment my stomach just seems to be full of andreline and it is spreading through my body making me feel very uneasy, so i feel really on edge. Still i will give it a go. Thanks Helen

13-08-07, 12:02
:) hi helenclaire,

you have to give it chance to work, the 'fight /flight' action in the body happens all at once - it has to or you wouldnt be able to deal with the danger!!!!!!

the same cannot be said about the 'parasympathetic system' - the CALMING RESPONSE
you have to give it time for things to get back into balance, a vast number of symptoms is caused purely through hyperventilation so it is well worth getting back into the habit of correct breathing.

also you could have something that is high in carbs by your bed before you get up in the morning? a couple of digestives and a banana maybe (i know there are loads more high carb foods than this but who can face eating cardboard in the morning?) just to give you an energy boost. i find myself frequently dizzy/lightheaded/wobbly first thing, which if i dont eat soon can very quickly turn into very high anxiety.

also get up more slowly instead of maybe just jumping up out of bed (this might not apply to you)

i know how scary all of these feelings are but once you realize that they are just physical symptoms of anxiety you will feel much less bothered by them, but you have to tackle the thoughts that are producing them and which are responsible for the vicious circle of negative thoughts/adrenaline/anxiety/panic

all the best:flowers:

13-08-07, 15:30
Hi Helen,

Sorry to hear you're feeling rough today. :hugs:

It can take a while for the body to calm down after a nasty bout of anxiety but it will. As has already been suggested try to calm down your breathing and do things slowly. Also try to concentrate on something so you're brain isn't focusing on the symptoms which makes them worse. There is some great information about hyperventilating on the symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms) page which you might find useful.

Take care,


13-08-07, 16:37
also you could have something that is high in carbs by your bed before you get up in the morning? a couple of digestives and a banana maybe (i know there are loads more high carb foods than this but who can face eating cardboard in the morning?) just to give you an energy boost. i find myself frequently dizzy/lightheaded/wobbly first thing, which if i dont eat soon can very quickly turn into very high anxiety.

for the past 3 months i've been completley off the carbs (to lose weight, i dont have as much time for exercise) and i feel and look great for it. but ive noticed that i get the shakes quite often and can feel light-headed.

but its not like i dont eat!!

i eat loads of meat and salad and cheese.

i know carbs produce energy, but i dont feel tired, just shakey...

any thoughts?

13-08-07, 20:09

its really important that you have a balanced diet, although cutting out carbs will have helped you loose weight, it shouldnt be forever, even if you just have some biccies like emma suggested to give you a little energy boost in the mornng. If our bodies dont get carbs or food (especially after fasting all night when you asleep) it can make you feel woozy and shaky as you body hasnt got quiet enough energy to keep you going.
I get it all the time if I dont eat and im a carb freak!!! just try and eat little and often to keep your blood sugar level as i find if it drops a little it can trigger my anxiety.

hope this helps
love anna xoxo