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View Full Version : Left rib pain under rib

31-07-18, 22:34
For the last two days now. Gets worse with certain move,ents and breathing deep.
Feels like a side stitch or bad gas but isn’t relieved with bathroom... any help?

31-07-18, 23:54
For the last two days now. Gets worse with certain move,ents and breathing deep.
Feels like a side stitch or bad gas but isn’t relieved with bathroom... any help?

Most likely an inflamed intercostal muscle. When you poke the affected area does it hurt more?

01-08-18, 00:36
Nope. Al,ost feels like trapped gas and I’ve tried everything. For reference I am mid 30 and a runner

01-08-18, 14:14
I get pain here from trapped gas off and on.

01-08-18, 16:38
Last year I had a stabbing pain when breathing in the same area, went to the GP and he basically said its nothing and it'd go away (and he was right), probably some sort of condrithis he said.

Now sometimes I do get a very mild disconfort in the same area, but it only comes when I'm most anxious. I'm sure it's nothing and could very well be our heads playing with us or something gas related (since my bowel/digestion gets crazy in my anxiety times lol).

Basically don't worry about it and it'll go away. :)

01-08-18, 19:04
This really does sound like inflamed intercostal muscle. Either that or trapped wind, or a minor case of gastritis. If it lasts more than a week or gets really severe see doctor. Other complete outside chance is a tiny hernia but unlikely in that area. Best to wait it out a little.