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View Full Version : Fear of impending doom without the fear of doom?

31-07-18, 22:40
I know this sounds strage but when I first experienced two major panic episodes I was left in a state of depersonalisation and derealisation and was being crippled by waves of fear of impending doom! I’ve not had a panic attack in over 4 months! My issue was health anxiety, constantly fearing death! My trigger was chronic pain I’m my shoulder and chest simulating heart attack which lead to panic mostly in my sleep! And awakening me to a panic attack!

I was also bullied when I was younger and spent months fearing leaving the house! I think I put that to bed but I did find myself being hesitant to go out when I was at my worst!

I did suffer a major trauma 4 years ago when I lost my fiancé at the time and was with her for 7 weeks in intensive care! I’ve was strong for everyone through that but maybe didn’t take anytime for myself. I’ve been with my current partner for 3 years and we marry this October.

I’ve been doing CBT, uses brain retrain techniques and trying to put a positive spin on any situation, I’m so much more open about my feelings too. I’ve ditched dr google, got rid of negative news feeds too.

I’m now going 2/3 weeks without any nerves, anxiety, low mood and I’ve had no panic attacks but what I do get is the same feeling going through my body as that impending fear of doom! That combination of anxiety, nerves, worry, overwhelming, overthinking, combined with adrenaline and cortisol that makes you feel depersonalisation and derealisation but without the fear!!

This is confusing because it makes me think that the last time I felt this I was in a state! But I’m feeling it again but I’m not crippled by it! It’s still annoying and I’m more accepting of it but every few weeks it just appears again!

Does this happen to any one else!?

I hope the gaps keep increasing! I’m so much better that I was and I even just completed a 96 mile walk ove 5 days! Me! A guy who went to the hospital for an ecg after a game of bowling with his friends because he was going to die of a heart attack! A guy who wouldn’t exercise in case he had a heart attack! And for that whole week I forgot about all of my issues and anxiety! It was awesome but once I was back home and realised this I’ve had a day and a half with that strange feeling!

Any one else had the same experience?