View Full Version : Panicking!

01-08-18, 04:29
2.5 weeks ago I increased from 150mg to 225. For the first 7-10 days I had headaches, increased anxiety and dizziness but for the last few days I've felt better. I'm not sure my depression has got any better yet but it was a relief to not have the horrid side effects. However I felt very on edge last night and whilst try to get to sleep I had what I can only describe as random thoughts! Thoughts that don't make sense almost. I'm now feeling really panicky that I'm going mad or losing control of my mind. I'm feeling quite scared actually. I've taken a diazepam to help me stop panicking, I just wondered if anyone had had something similar? Is it just anxiety? I've been watching some quiet dark crime dramas on tv and I'm wondering if it's that!

01-08-18, 10:17
It's quite normal to experience and increase in anxiety from an increase of medication/dose. Your body needs time to get used to the dose, and this will take time, up to 6 weeks. Random thoughts pop into my head all the time when I'm trying to sleep. :) Don't give them much importance, just let them go and know that the increase in anxiety is the sign of the medication working. :)

01-08-18, 21:32
Ana makes a good point! I've been told that an increase in anxiety is a good sign and that it means the meds are working. I'm not sure how true that is, but it must be trying to balance out something in the brain. I myself am supposed to increase my meds, but am going to wait until tomorrow which will be day 10! I'm jumping from 25 to 50. I hope that it won't be too bad.