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View Full Version : New Thing...Ear Pain...

01-08-18, 04:33
Okay I just went through a very stressful time and am kinda still riding the wave of it but I’m suffering from some ear pain. It isn’t all the time and it’s moslty when I swallow. I’ve been getting tension headaches a lot lately and my hubby seems to think it’s just from tension like maybe I pulled a muscle or even strained a muscle around that area of my face and ear and that’s why I’m getting that sensation when I move it like when swallowing. I just started a new intense workout routine and am lifting heavier as well. I also had a dream last week that a nurse had stopped me and wanted to look in my eyes and when she did she said that there was a shadow behind my right one and low and behold ever since that dream I’ve been worried and have had this pain on my right side and tension. I’m worried about a brain tumor or aneurysm. Of dying and leaving my hubby. All of it. I’m so worried. It almost feels like I’m getting a brain freeze but in my ear if that makes sense. Has anyone ever felt this before

---------- Post added at 20:33 ---------- Previous post was at 20:33 ----------

I probs should also add that it’s super Smokey here from all the fires and my sinuses feel under pressure but I have been trying to get off of allergy meds. Maybe I need to start taking them again....

01-08-18, 13:59
I would 100% attribute this to sinus pressure from allergies. I get ear pressure and pain when my allergies are bad. Smoke would make mine awful! I was once so bothered by a smokey smell that no one else could smell. It was making my allergies go nuts and my friends and family thought I was crazy. Then there was a story on the news that there had been a wild fire in Canada (hundreds of miles from me) and the wind had brought it south and some people reported smelling it near my area. I'm sooo sensitive!