View Full Version : Getting really nervous about birth

13-08-07, 10:32
*Hi all

Just to let you all know, I gave birth to a healthy baby boy on Saturday 18th August. It was all fine and BP has returned to normal now.

I am massively sleep deprived but happy.

Thank you for all your words of encouragement last week. It made me feel so much better.

Hi all

I haven't posted for a while - things have been better and I have managed to control my anxiety throughout most of my pregnancy. I think this is due to a mixture of hormones and also that I have been looked after medically through this.

However, my blood pressure has been a ltlle high throughout and when I had it checked the other day, it was 150/88. The doctor didn't seem overly concerned as I have no other symptoms of pre-eclampsia, but he has asked that I have my BP checked every other day this week. I have tried not to worry about it over the weekend but I am due to see the midwife in a few hours and I know my BP will be high as I am alreday stressing about it. I have been checking my pulse all weekend as well which I haven't done for ages and it always seems high (sometimes over 100!!)

This is my 3rd pregnancy and my other two were absolutely fine with normal straight-forward births but I have convinced myself that this time it will be different. I keep thinking my heart will give out or I will have a brain hemmorage (I know it's silly!!). I am so worried about something happening to me when I have two other little children. I am due in just under 2 weeks.

Please send me some words of encouragement!!

13-08-07, 11:30
Hello Jo luvvy!

You know, I worried more on my third then I did on my first and second. Weird isn't it?

A bit like after-pains on the second - why get it after the second birth and not the first??

I had an extremely difficult time first time round - so it was a flippin' miracle I went and had two more lol !!

Your BP is bound to be high because of your anx over this - maybe you should try and hold off on the pulse-testing bit for the time being? The tests every other day are just precautionary - wouldn't think much of your doc if he didn't recommend it actually!

I'd say to you to try and "think through it" to a point after the birth, and picture your baby in your arms and that wonderful warm wave of love, happiness (and b***dy relief!) washes over you. Nothing like that eh?

Pregnancy can do weird things to our minds as well as our bodies - and if we suffer from anxiety the effects can seem overwhelming.

Try and accept that you will feel a little more anxious than is usual because of your anx - and focus on that picture just over two weeks time ok?

Keep us posted until then - and afterwards of course lol !!

lots of luv and hugs to you



13-08-07, 11:40
:D hi jo,

i have one child and i would love to try for another one as im not getting any younger (35 in august!) so well done you for being on your third!!!!!

i was so not anxious with my pregnancy although ofcourse i didnt know what to expect so there were lots of 'what ifs' the worst part for me was afterwards - the overwhelming responsibility!!!

you are doing fine and you are 'allowed' to be worried, you wouldnt be normal if you werent would you? you will be well looked after, and like gg says in no time at all you will have your new bundle of joy, so just keep calm and try to put in a more positive rational answer to any of the worried irrational thoughts you may be having, maybe just try to live one day at a time until you have the babe? and before you know it it will all be over!!!

also you could do with trying to conserve any energy you have now as your going to need it all very soon!!!

all the best, let us know how it goes and what you have?:flowers: in advance of the birth

13-08-07, 18:03
Hey Jo.

The BP checks, as GG said, are precautionary. If they thought you had pre-eclampsia, they would probably admit you to hospital now and maybe even induce you. They are just being careful.

My step-sister-in-law-type-thing recently had a baby and had a raised BP shortly before her due date. She spent a few days in hospital and then went home. Mum and baby are absolutely fine and doing very nicely :)

You are right - your BP probably will be high each time they check it because you will be worrying about it. That's probably why you have a raised pulse as well. Stimulants like tea, coffee, coke, cigarettes and chocolate will also make your heart beat faster.

Discuss your worries with your Doctor/Midwife and they should be able to reassure you.

Good luck xxx

13-08-07, 19:52
Hi Jo

I am a midwife. Its quite common to have raised bp towards the end of pregnancy and yours was not particularly high. what was it at your first appointment? Try and relax-which is easier said then done i know- but enjoy these last couple of weeks and focus on meeting your new baby.

Linda xxx

13-08-07, 20:03
Hi Jo, its normal to feel anxious around this time...and as dying swan said, the midwives will be just keeping an eye on your BP as a precaution. Your pulse is probably raised partly because of your anxiety and partly cos of all the hard work you've done growing this baby and now your carrying the full weight of it around with you! I would cut down on the stimulants though as swan suggested.

I was exactly the same with my third....I was terrified of the birth itself...I think your right and it is something to do with already having two little ones. If the doctors or midwives were in any way worried about your health they wouldnt be letting you labour and deliver naturally....so Im sure evrything will be fine.

The anticipation is the worst....once labour starts you'll be so focussed, your anxieties wont seem so bad and just think in a few weeks time you'll have a lovely new addition to your family.

How about some gentle exercise to help you relax, maybe swimming (or aqua-natal if its available), or maybe practice some relaxation (not easy with two little ones though lol) or pick out some nice music to listen to while your in labour.

Hope it all goes well and let us know how your doing.

luv Coni XX

13-08-07, 20:48
Hi there

I had my daughter before the panic started for me, so I was lucky.

But I did have very high blood pressure and as I was single at the time I had to stay with my sister. Then they took me in hospital overnight and my blood pressure stabilised, then I had to stay at my sister's again!

My daughter was two weeks overdue and I was induced she was so happy in there she didn't want to come out!

Needless to say all ended well, but they do like to keep an eye on you. The anticipation is always the worst bit, and its so worth it!!

13-08-07, 20:54
Hi hunny

I have only had two kids. There is a long long tradition of easy births in my family (we give birth in corridors and stuff....can't wait to get to delivery!!:blush: )
but I convinced myself something would happen to me. I would be the one to have a horrendous time, the one to break the mould! So even after my first birth...which followed family tradition (although, I did get to delivery room:blush: ) I STILL panicked about the second! I was convinced I was going to leave child no1 motherless!!
I didn't! (obviously) and followed the same old family routine!! easy straightforward birth!!!

You will be fine hun. It is so normal to worry:hugs:


13-08-07, 22:30


I know how you are feeling - Im having a c-section on Friday morning.
My anxiety has gone through the roof, Im so dizzy all the time now.

I said to my husband tonight - I could be home with the baby this time next week!

If you would like to chat, please feel free to pm me and good luck - Lizzie xx

13-08-07, 22:50
Best wishes Jo and Lizzie:D

You will both be fine:yesyes:

Waiting to hear the happy news:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

14-08-07, 11:35
Thanks for all your kind words guys!

BP yesterday was 134/70 so feeling a lot better about things today.

Will let you know when things happen!

Best of luck to Lizzie for Friday - will be thinking of you x

23-08-07, 14:17

23-08-07, 23:22
Congratulations on your baby boy:yesyes: :yesyes: