View Full Version : Umbilical hernia?

01-08-18, 15:30
I know I'm in an anxiety spiral right now. But, yesterday I pressed on my belly button incidentally while in line at the store, and there was a bad, sharp pain. I've always been a bit tender here. I had abdominal surgery seven years ago and they a baby four years and and my muscles are slightly separated still. Anyway, there is this small squishy bump right at my belly button. I think it's been there for a while but of course can't remember. I stupidly googled, and it sounds exactly like an umbilical hernia. It's tiny, though. I made an appointment with my doctor for 2:45 today, but I'm in a bad panic attack right now. The surgery I had seven years ago was so traumatic that if I needed surgery to fix a hernia I don't know how I'd cope. I'm so so scared. I know I'm getting ahead of myself, but needed to post to try and calm a bit. Has anyone thought you had this but it turned out to be just a lipoma or something??

01-08-18, 16:21
Hey Erin,

I feel for you, I really do, once I get going I worry about everything. Strangely enough when I was quite holding my son his afternoon I just felt like, “It’s anxiety, you know it’s anxiety, you’ve got this, you can do this.”
I bend sometimes and feel a weird knot in my left abdomen, I had a mole removed turned out to be a (displastic nevi) and it left a little bit of scar tissue here. What you pushed could very well be nothing at all and just the way you body took shape after having your daughter. Also, if you’re stressing this bad you may be creating gastro issues for yourself. The poke may have been a sensitive intestine due to IBS or just being upset with anxiety. I was so upset last month and I’ve had the worst year HA wise, that I’m now dealing with gastritis and fearing the worst. Trying to tell myself it’s just anxiety. So please, deep breathes, distraction, and do your best to keep calm you’ve got this! Also-my cousin had an umbelical hernia and they let it heal on its own. No surgery. :)

01-08-18, 16:25
Thanks, Halle! I am trying to tell myself that even if it is a hernia I've had it for ages with no trouble. And I love my doctor and know she'll be able to help me calm down and decide what it is. I'm so upset about this anxiety because I was virtually anxiety free for almost a year. It's such an awful, awful thing.

01-08-18, 18:17
I hear you, I felt like I was getting the ball rolling, especially while my counselor was out for two weeks on vacation. I felt great, then boom-a new worry. For me it’s the physical symptoms that trap me, I feel like I could turn the thoughts off, but the nagging physical symptoms of a diagnosis makes me keep digging for the what if.

I hope you come back to update how it goes today. Good luck!

01-08-18, 18:20
If it is an umbilical hernia, it really is no big deal. I had one repaired years ago, and my brother did too.

01-08-18, 20:22
If it is an umbilical hernia, it really is no big deal. I had one repaired years ago, and my brother did too.

Thanks, Sleepy. My rational mind tells me this! But, I had a really traumatic experience with surgery years ago and so I have a deep phobia of every having surgery again. I know it's all down to my anxiety, and even if I had to have this procedure it would be fine, but it would be very difficult for me to get through.

The other thing I read is that sometimes when they're very small you can just leave them and observe. While this gives me some comfort since mine (if that's what it is) is very small, it also drums up my anxiety because the surgery I had to have was for a fibroid that became large and necrotic. I hadn't had it removed since it's a benign tumor that you just keep an eye on... then it turned into an emergency. So, another benign condition that could rarely turn serious (from intestinal strangulation) is a major, major trigger for me! So, it's kind of lose-lose!

I'm just really hoping she says it's just a bit of fat and to go about my day. I will come back here to update after my appointment, which is in about an hour.

---------- Post added at 17:22 ---------- Previous post was at 15:28 ----------

Oy, you guys. Normal tissue. Nothing there. Anxiety, man. I tell ya!!

02-08-18, 02:16
Well, I still had a bad feeling about it and was doubting that my doctor had really hit the right spot when examining me today. I felt so much like this was just my anxiety talking, but then I went to urgent care just to get some relief. Well, the doctor there was sure it was a hernia, and now I'm in a total panic.

02-08-18, 07:47
Hello Erin,
I had my hernia from birth, and the fact that my brother had one too indicates that it was probably the method used to tie off our umbilical cords: we were both born in the same small maternity hospital.

I lived with mine for nearly forty years. After two pregnancies it started to protrude. I could push it in and it disappeared. It then started to ache and get quite sore, which was when I had the surgery. It will not suddenly go from being barely there to becoming strangulated.

The surgery is very routine. I was only in the hospital for a few hours. I understand your worry if you had a bad experience before but please be reassured that if you do need surgery, it will be fine. In any case, it doesn’t sound as though it’s something you need to concern yourself about in the very near future.

All the best.

02-08-18, 16:30
Thanks, Sleepy. I know you're right about this! I'm trying to make myself see all the differences between this time and last time and stay calm. Last time I had no control over anything and that was what made it so scary. This time I can be proactive and in control. My cousin is a doctor and gas recommended a surgeon. She had a crazy traumatic pregnancy (uterus ruptured!) and this surgeon was the trauma consult during the birth mania and then removed her gallbladder and repaired an incisional hernia. She she's had three surgeries with this doctor and really trusts her, which makes me feel a bit more secure. I left a message with that office today and can hopefully get in soon for a consultation so I don't have to worry and worry. And, you're right. There's a chance she'll say to wait and watch since it's so small and it seems like the intestinal blockage issue is rare. With my history of waiting and watch until something became critical, though, I don't know which would be better or worse! But, these are all things I can discuss with the surgeon.

I hate anxiety so much. I knew that a lot of my health anxiety stemmed from my old surgery, but I don't think I realized just how badly until this, when sheer panic just flooded me when I imagined the prospect of surgery again. But, I also think a lot of it is anxiety about anxiety - that surgery will trigger my anxiety to go back to being as debilitating as it was before. I'm already thinking about all the things I'll have to worry about, which is definitely irrational. Trying to take one day at a time!

---------- Post added at 13:30 ---------- Previous post was at 11:36 ----------

I messed with it so much in the past few days that it's sore and so now I'm panicking that I did something to hurt myself by pressing and squeezing so much before I knew what it was... like that I injured my intestines by doing this. My stomach is all out of whack from the anxiety, so it's making my mind spin out of control. And, I first noticed it because it was very painful to the touch. It's no as much now, but that scares me too. Ugh. I hate this.

05-08-18, 03:22
A few days ago I was diagnosed with a small umbilical hernia. In discovering it and diagnosing it there was considerable poking and proding that made the area very tender. For the next two days I had horrible bloating. Today the bloating is down, but the area where my hernia is has been getting sharp gas pains. I think the doctor who diagnosed it really pushed it back in because it also hasn't been protruding much. But the sharp pains on and off make me worry my intestines we're injured from all the poking. This is nuts, right?

05-08-18, 03:31
I understand your struggles hun! Currently there myself. My Mam had that a few years ago, she had some serious pain with it. She said at times it was like someone was giving her a prik with something sharp! Yet she was just fine! Still rocking on with life!

Sending you postive thoughts hun!

05-08-18, 07:52
Thanks for the reply! I just woke up with the pain still there and it's giving me some major panic. I just hope it passes soon!

05-08-18, 15:42
Does anyone have experience with this?

05-08-18, 23:42
The last few weeks have been really hard for me. My anxiety had been under control for almost a year when some severe sciatica pain started it creeping back in. I managed to work my way through this pain, started seeing a physical therapist for it (and other issues I've put off since childbirth 4 years ago), and was doing well.

Then, I incidentally discovered what turned out to be a small umbilical hernia. I'm not sure if the physical therapy made it worse or not, but I think I may have had it for a good while without symptoms, but it began hurting last week.

It sparked intense anxiety since I have a previously horrendous surgical experience. I have an appointment with a surgeon scheduled for Thursday, but last night I was having some bad sharp pains in the area through the night. I am extremely worried about it becoming strangulated and requiring emergency surgery since emergency surgery is what happened in my last situation and since according to the doctor I saw this can be more common in the very small ones where tissue can get stuck once it's protruding.

I'm having a very difficult time setting this aside and waiting until Thursday for the appointment. It's taking everything in me to not rush to the ER to get an ultrasound and make sure it looks ok. I'm also having a lot of self-doubt. This is a real diagnosis, and my pain overnight was real (it woke me). So, I am having a really hard time determining what would be a normal reaction and what is my anxiety. A strangulated hernia is a medical emergency. I know at this moment I don't have one, but if I have pain again tonight like I did last night, is it rational to go to the hospital? Or do I keep waiting it out?

I have a lot of work to get done and I stay home with my 4 year old, so having this situation consume me until Thursday is very disruptive. And, even after seeing the surgeon on Thursday I really fear it won't be resolved since if he suggests surgery I will be in a very bad place as well.

I feel really stuck and confused and don't really know where to go from here to keep myself calm. I had been doing better over the weekend while we were away on a short family trip. I'd had terrible bloating for 2 days but it subsided on Saturday only to be replaced by the pain Saturday evening.

How do you help yourself figure out what is reasonable seeking of medical attention and what is not? In my case, I first went to my primary doctor who did not think I had a hernia. I still felt very uncomfortable that night, so I went to urgent care where it was diagnosed. So, I feel like I tried to go the normal route through my doctor, but didn't get the right diagnosis until one of my seemingly irrational evening runs to the urgent care clinic.

I'm just kind of at a loss. I'm afraid to eat too much, since I think that's what caused the pain last night. I'm worried about doing too much to make it worse, which is very hard with a 4 year old.

I feel really overwhelmed.

06-08-18, 00:22

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

06-08-18, 00:25
Please stick to one post. Thanks

06-08-18, 00:27
Sorry. I'm having a dreadful time and find very few people comment.

06-08-18, 00:34
Sorry. I'm having a dreadful time and find very few people comment.

Erin, it's because it's not some deadly condition. You had one doctor say it was normal tissue and another said it was a hernia. Worse case it is a hernia and an outpatient procedure and a couple of days of soreness :shrug:

You're admitting to poking and prodding until it's sore so you're just making things more uncomfortable.

Positive thoughts

06-08-18, 00:41
We are not medical people here so how can we comment to be honest.

This is an anxiety site and not a medical site so please trust your GP and see them with any issues.

06-08-18, 01:03
Most of my questions aren't really looking for medical reassurance since I have seen doctors and have an appointment set up. Since this is an anxiety forum, I'm looking for support on the anxiety side. I honestly feel like this is kind of why no one responds - since I'm not asking for reassurance that I don't have rabies or pancreatic cancer. I'm having a hard time dealing with the anxiety anticipating the appointment, the anxiety that I could end up having surgery since I have a lot of PTSD about surgery, and the anxiety that it could turn bad overnight (since this has happened to me with another normally innocuous problem doctors told me would be fine).

I guess I don't know what I'm looking for. Just support regarding how hard anxiety is, especially when you have a real diagnosis, no matter how minor it may be... support regarding how people get through the waits for appointments and results... support on how hard it can be to go about your day to day with real health symptoms that consume your mind.

My husband tries to be supportive but he doesn't fully understand. That's why I come to a forum about health anxiety. I don't think I'm dying of cancer or a brain eating ameoba or have any invisible bats in my house. I had a very, very traumatic experience with a normally totally harmless abdominal issue that became an emergency literally out of nowhere and led to horrific, invasive, abdominal surgery with a difficult recovery and many complications.

I have health anxiety. I treat it with therapy. I keep it under control most of the time. But, this week, I'm scared and in need of some support from people who understand anxiety. Isn't that the point of this whole site?

---------- Post added at 21:51 ---------- Previous post was at 21:45 ----------

And that's also why I posted the most recent thread. My earlier ones were looking for anyone with similar experiences, and this one is asking about anxiety in general. I posted a few other times in the last week or so about anxiety and go no responses. The only time anyone does respond is if it's about a specific medical issue. I honestly don't quite know where to turn at this point.

I have a therapy appointment on August 20, and my therapist didn't have anything earlier to move me to... So, I'm at a loss of where to turn for help in my struggle.

I think perhaps this isn't the thread for me. Basically, every post is someone asking medical questions... the more absurd, the most comments. Ones where people are scared about actual diagnoses for reasons stemming from their anxiety go largely ignored.

---------- Post added at 22:03 ---------- Previous post was at 21:51 ----------

I think it might be best to delete my account. I end up scrolling through here and checking for responses incessantly. It's defeating the purpose of getting rid of facebook a few months ago. Thanks.

09-08-18, 19:20
I saw the surgeon today about the hernia. He said it's very small and there's no need to repair it at this point unless I want to. We can watch and wait and I will follow up with him in 6 months. I explained my past experience and anxieties around both watching and waiting AND surgery, and he was very understanding, which is why he suggested coming in in 6 months. I can decide at any time if I want to get the surgery done and just call to schedule it. He said at this size it would probably only be 1 stitch under local anesthesia. So, I need to give it a good think... it may be good to just deal with it while it's so simple, but then again it might just stay small. So, I need to try to put it out of my mind as much as I can as long as it's staying asymptomatic.

09-08-18, 22:56
That’s good, Erin. You’re in control and hopefully reassured.