View Full Version : wisdom tooth pain normal, no antibiotics?

02-08-18, 10:15
I got a wisdom tooth removed this afternoon a top one, omg it hurts soooo much and i only got paracetamol. but anyways he gave me stitches but no antibiotics, i am sacred because maybe stitches might causes an infection?? does anyone know if it does? or can stitches be fine without antibiotics

02-08-18, 12:20
sounds normal to me, antibiotics will only be given if you have any signs of infection rather than to prevent infection. I am guessing they told you to rinse your mouth out and keep it clean etc

Too many antibiotics may lead to antibiotic resistance so doctors won't prescribe them if not needed.

03-08-18, 09:30
thanks for replying, i am so scared its infected or im getting dry socket, bcos its so painful. i got antibiotics today but its so sore and now its the weekend so i freaking out i wont making it till Monday, i think i need to get it looked at ?