View Full Version : Thought bringing on anxiety/panic how do u deal with it?

02-08-18, 11:45
So as title says

So went to farm with cafe, my kind of food
It was quite full, but with seats outside. Service was very slow! And I was a bit stressed but thought I was handle it well
So after 5/10 mins, out of the blue I got the feeling of blackness like I was going to faint. I panicked for few seconds and said I got to go get out. Calmed myself down for few mins told partner what to order and I went sat outside

I struggled to eat and wanted to go ASAP in one way yet in another I told myself
I needed to stay and ride it out. Partner was just chilling and taking his time, and I wanted to say “ why do you have to make it an hour + to have sandwich and drink”. Make a meal out of everything “
I couldn’t get thought of what happened to me! I tried to engage but it kept coming to forefront.

Later I had gp appt, I was scared of driving there in case it happened again
Yet wanted to do it to prove it didn’t. Most of the night it was coming through again.

This morning I woke up from dream about a person from many many years back
Not very nice, and it set my thoughts of again. Thinking about this person
To the point my anxiety is high now, upset stomach and feel sick.

So my question is
How do you deal with any thoughts that knock your anxiety/panic into over drive

I’m trying to keep busy, but it’s knock me for six after a few good days. To the point of being scared of going out

05-08-18, 15:40
Hello Clio51

I know all those thoughts and feelings, in a pub having a meal feeling good
then bang from nowhere, feeling hot, sweating, appetite gone in a second.
What do I do?, well I try my hardest to distract myself, look around, look at
other people around me, anything that may help. The feeling of oh please hurry
up I need to get out of here. Then when you get home, you think maybe I should have stayed and fought it out, easy said when safe at home.

I am new here but thought I would answer you, as I know only to well those feelings. Hope your feeling better,always help to talk about it too.

Good luck Geoff