View Full Version : Strange Sort of Sore Throat

02-08-18, 17:16
Yesterday out of nowhere I started to have pain at the front of my neck and when I press the centre it really really hurts and there feels like there is a bit of inflammation. The pain is radiating from the throat to the back of my head and I also have a bit of pain on the right side of my tongue (i dont know if connected to be honest).

I've never had anything like this before. I can't turn my head or cough without it really hurting me. It's not like a typical sore throat you get with a cold and I'm not displaying any other symptoms but I'm just wondering what on earth this is. There's no pain on the inside and my voice and breathing are fine.

It's bugging me so much at the moment. I'm trying not to run to the doctors as it's only been a day but I just don't know what this is!!!