View Full Version : Please help me

02-08-18, 17:33
Hi guys.

I’m really scared. I’m so paranoid and anxious I can’t function.

A few days ago (on my birthday) my partner had a bit of a meltdown and said he didn’t want to be in a relationship anymore as he’s got his own stuff going on. After a lot of crying (and me banging my head against the wall and scratching myself until I bled) we both came to the conclusion that we still love each other, and we still want to be together, and we don’t want to break up. He says he doesn’t know what he wants at the moment, but I think for now he’s happy we stay together. I understand and respect what he’s going through and he’s waiting in getting the help he needs, and I’ve put a self referral in for myself for proper phycological help. We both (as far as I’m aware) want to make this work, it I am so paranoid I can’t get the thoughts out my head and they’re eating me away. I can barely function and I’m not eating. My heart is constantly racing and I feel like I’m going to have a meltdown. I’m so so scared. What can I do?

03-08-18, 11:06
First of all, what you're experiencing can't hurt you. You may feel like you're close to deaths door but it wont harm you. Try to go outside somewhere quiet and pay attention to your senses.... e.g. feeling of wind on your face, what you can hear, how cold or hot it is etc... particularly listen t the quiet around you, this will take you out of your panicked head and help you to calm down.

It sounds like you're experiencing a strong anxiety attack. Your brain is going 100 miles per hour and you feel all twitchy and horrible. It's what a lot of people on here experience, me being one of them. A therapist will be able to help you out, its worth talking to your GP and being honest about everything your feeling too.

You feel like you're having a meltdown, but this is actually temporary. Just try to allow the feelings to happen rather than be taken in by them and panicking. Pay attention to the things that are going on in your body and pay and allow them to be there... allow them to do their worst.. It's the fighting against them that give them power.

Give yourself permission to take a break and calm down. Maybe have a bath with candles or whatever you usually like to do. I find when i'm super anxious that a long hike in the mountains with help me burn off the cortisol/adrenaline and give me some brain space to sort my thoughts out.

Hope you feel better soon.