View Full Version : Blood clot for 2 months?

02-08-18, 18:40

For around 2 months now I have had a strange pain, almost like cramping in my left calf. Very occasionally I get it in my right calf too, but mostly left. I find that there are so many things that I worry about and then they just sort of disappear, but the symptoms of this are still there.

I don't have redness, or a noticeable difference in size, but I do get on and off pain, one day it isn't there and another day it is, and when it is there, touching it can sometimes make it hurt more.

My main worry is I am on the pill and have been for 8 years now. When I got my last blood pressure check they said that it was slightly high but it was only because I was cold and shaking. I am not particularly active, mostly as my job is part public and part writing, so when I am writing I am sitting at a laptop screen for hours.

I thought it could be muscular as often when I am working I sit in odd positions that squash my legs, but the pain is kind of coming from the actual fat off the back of the calf. I thought maybe it could be sciatica as I am getting a pain in the upper leg to back area occasionally, but I recall sciatica feeling quite sharp and not like a cramp.

I have had this for 2 months. Is it even possible to have a blood clot for 2 months or would I notice something more by now?

02-08-18, 18:54
You would have noticed something more by now.

28-08-18, 16:46
Its been about 2 and a half months since this first started and I'm still worried! I have been getting a very strange bubbling sensation in my calf, it literally feels like it is bubbling away. The ache is still there, but it is very on and off. Today it has been there persistently, but other times I have gone a couple days without it for it to come back again. It is also very tight, when I tiptoe I can feel the tightness in the muscle, it feels heavier than the other leg. It isn't red or swollen or hot to touch or anything, it just hurts. The pain is mostly in my calf, but I am also getting pain in the front of my knee, shin and ankle.

I also noticed last night that the strange aching pain started appearing in my other leg, albeit, far less frequent. What is going on? All I can think of is because I am often sitting down at a laptop and my legs are in funny positions when doing this that I am squashing them a bit. But for 2 and a half months is a long time...I don't know what is going on

28-08-18, 16:56
Why not pop and see a doctor and ask?