View Full Version : Turning negative energy into positive energy.

13-08-07, 11:42
Hi folks.

I thought I would give some advise that has helped me out a lot over the past 12 months with anxiety issues.

Basicaly I started thai kickboxing around 12 months ago.

Not only has getting a LOT fitter helped, but the feeling after an hour and half of real tough work, and using all that negative energy and turning it into positive energy really is AMAZING!!

When I first started going I was anxious a lot, and I would look forward to going as it would really sort me out for days. As I have progressed I feel great all the time, and now even better after every session.
This has made such a big difference to my life. It is difficult to see past the fact that it is a violant sport (which it is), but there is so much more to it than that, it can make such a difference to your life both mentaly and phyicaly.

I have found something that i have a new passion for, and I would advise anyone to do the same. Not neccesseraly the same thing as it may not be for you, but something similar that YOU can be passionate about and truly enjoy, and soemthing that can turn all YOUR negative energy into something very positive!


13-08-07, 12:11
:yesyes: good for you and thanks for posting!!!!

i agree 100% but i dont think you should apologise for doing kickboxing? unless your planning on going out and kicking somebodys head in?!?

you are chanelling the energy that anxiety is producing and this is why you are getting immense relief - afterall andrenaline is for energy to run away or fight a serious threat, not for sitting still, which is why so many people feel horrendous!!!

i agree that we need something to be passionate about, but i would go one further and say that you do need a certain amount of physical activity in your life to get rid of excess adrenaline. so walking the dogs/gardening/dancing/housework/swimming etc etc are all good ways of expending the extra energy.

i think the reason your feeling such relief is that you will be expending ENORMOUS amounts of energy while you are doing kickboxing, somehting that very many of us on here could never do!!!

but thanks for posting as i feel very passionate about physical activity, i need to go get my trainers on now as ive not been to the gym for about 2 weeks and im starting to feel the negative effects:lac: keep it up:winks:

13-08-07, 12:25

thanks for your reply.

I would definitely never go out and kicksomeone's head in (other than extreme circumstances or for my own protection of course :)) but there are events and competitions to take part in all the time. I had my first one a few weeks ago in front of 200 people which was a real buzz!

Going to the gym and othor activity does help also as you say. I used to walk around the park at lunch time at work which helped too!

I hope that if I stopped doing this for whatever reason it would not come back (i did a good job of sorting my head out also before starting this) but it seems the longer I have been going, the 'normal' feeling is simply the norm now like before i experienced any anxiety.

I have found a positive attitude really helped too, as well as overall confidence within yourself and keeping your mind busy with interesting and enjoyable things :)

If people are reading this and are siting around constantly thinking about anxiety and hoping it will just stop, you need to help yourself to get rid of the horrible thing. It works, just dont give in and you will look back and be proud of yourself for getting through it!

13-08-07, 13:20
Well done Craig I too am a great believer in positive thinking. Well done. xx

15-08-07, 13:09
Hi Craig, I used to kickbox up until April this year (when unfortunately the prices went sky high) and got up to a brown belt - the sense of achievement was amazing and like you say, channeling your negative energy into the moves is a fantastic feeling. It's great fun and a good way to meet people too (altho' I'm not very good at that!) and increase your confidence. I loved it and really miss going. You sound really positive and determined, which is brilliant! Vix x

15-08-07, 13:46
Well Done Craig Yes Staying Positve Is The Key For Sure........my Son Took Karate For Many Yrs And It Help Him In So Many Ways Confidence Ect.staying Active Is So Good For Us .....what I Should Be Doing Right Now Lol...........but I Wish U All The Best And Thanks For Sharing.......linda