View Full Version : Cherry angiomas

03-08-18, 07:17
Hi,i am 38 a in December i noticed my first 3 cherry angiomas. My dermatologist saw it and said it is common and harmless. I have 9 small (less than 1mm) angiomas til now, especially in dekolt and arms. Do you guys also have them?

03-08-18, 13:52
I have plenty! My Derm says the same thing. I don’t worry about them.

03-08-18, 13:58
My boyfriend has a ton that all started popping up after he turned 30. Apparently it's super common once you hit that age bracket. Maybe they are all secretly waiting to pop up as a :welcome: committee to middle age :roflmao:

03-08-18, 15:03
Thank youuu:bighug1:

03-08-18, 16:22
I have tons. I hate them, but at 47 just gave up and accepted I will have loads of them. I have a couple that are big enough they kind of gross me out, but I don't really see the point in removing them. Most of them are tiny.

03-08-18, 17:22
I have loads of them and I'm only 35. I've had them for years with new ones popping up all the time. They're nothing to worry about!