View Full Version : Getting over scary thoughts?

03-08-18, 16:08
I've had general anxiety for 20+ years, I tend to manage it by avoid situations but one thing thats always remained are anxious scary thoughts.

An example of what I mean by a scary though is "What if I picked up this knife and stabbed myself?" I just recently came back from a few days on the coast, stuck in the 3rd floor of the hotel I kept thinking "What if I jumped off the balcony" out for a walk along the cliffs, "What if I jumped off" I had to get off the cliffs just in case I did, and to make matters worse I came across a cross / memorial type thing of someone who did jump:scared15: Pic attached, I mean what was going though this guys mind? Did he have anxiety? Could I get to that point?

Anyone else suffer from this?

06-08-18, 08:14
I honestly believe that’s just one of the core concepts of “anxiety”.

I get those thoughts too, where I even start to think “what if I did the thing I was anxious about”. It always a worst case scenario.

Recently I’ve had those “what if thoughts” as a result of a TV show. It’s times like this that make me want to go back in time to stop myself from watching that show.

I do think it’s important To realize they are just thoughts, and will always be just thoughts. Thoughts that you hyperactivly dwell over.

Distraction works best for me, but sleeping can be tough.

06-08-18, 10:01
I tend to get similar, extending into other areas of life. "What if I took this credit card that I'm pre-approved for and went on a mad spending spree?" Not being flippant, it's something I could do but with serious consequences, I console myself with the thought that I never actually have done these things, just thought about them. There's a mental brake which always applies itself, maybe you have one too that operates by taking you out of the situation? There's not necessarily anything wrong with that, a relative of mine always sits on a seat on the platform at the railway station until her train has come to a halt and she can board it. She has a fear that if she stood near the platform edge while the train was pulling in, she might be tempted to jump in front of it, so this is how she deals with it. You might call it avoidance but it works for her and in certain situations I do similar. I like walking on cliffs too but the view is just as good without getting near the edge, so the danger is never directly there in my head.

Some of these anxieties we suffer from perhaps can't be cured but can be managed. Good luck with it.:winks:

16-08-18, 21:43
I have this aswel. And it causes me great distress. Knives are worse for me. I look at one and bam my head says I'm going to put it in my throat. Very scary. Something I'm trying to come through myself x

18-08-18, 18:11
The person who jumped probably dealt with depression and this is what caused them to do what they did.

20-08-18, 04:51
I had them too, the fact is if you realise that that though is just that, nothing but a though, it start losing power and going away. You are obeseesing about it, for example i tell you dont think about blue rhinos..... whats the first thing that comes to mind? A blue rhino.

People who stab themselves ( Super rare ) or jump off buildings, experience years of depression and psychotic breaks. This is anxiety taking what we all think when we see a know, : this thing is sharp better watchout to WHAT IF i stab myself with this.

I know the thoughts are disturbing, and i wont tell you dont think about them because that will not work, instead accept them as is, just thoughts not reality, and move on. You will take its power away very quickly doing this.

BTW People who have psychotic breaks like that, are hardly ever as aware that its a bad though or scared as you are of the actual thought.

To them it just happens.