View Full Version : 4 colds in 6 weeks...anyone else?

24-06-18, 02:09
So I’m on antibiotics for an infected sebaceous cyst, three days in I now have a raging cold! Can a cold be a side effect of taking the antibiotics. I know we are not Dr’s but anyone experienced that!
I’m now worried that my immune system is weak from taking antibiotics or that the cold is actually a side effect from the antibiotics.
The infection has cleared now from the cyst but this is only my third day on them and it’s Sunday so I can’t see the Dr.
Has anyone developed a cold whilst taking antibiotics for something else and where you ok? I feel concerned that it’s the antibiotics creating havoc in my body!
Just for the record I know the antibiotics won’t help my cold- I’m just wondering if the cold is actually a side effect from the antibiotics and if I should stop taking them (again I know we are not Dr’s - just freakin a bit looking for support)

24-06-18, 03:34
Maybe you just have a cold?

09-07-18, 05:42
Hi All,
We'll I've been sick with two colds back to back - one only lasted 5 days then two days after it left I started feeling sick again - sore throat which progressed to a full blown cold - congestion and just feeling so disgusting. Brain fog, numb mind, at one point I almost took myself to A&E as I felt so off, but got a bit better the next day, I'm at day 8 now and have bad congestion and brain fog still but don't have the same 'off' feeling I did, plus I can hear again as I had terrible congestion but I'M STILL SICK! I went to Dr today and she said it's a virus and I just need to let it do it's thing but it's been 8 days - wtf!
Now to top it all off my anxiety is back with a vengeance, I'm snapping at anyone who talks to me, I'm freaking out I"ll never get better, I want to cry but too scared too as that will cause more congestion - I just feel battered inside. Anyone else get like this with a virus? What do I do?
I haven't worked for like 2 weeks as I go one cold after another, luckily I have my own job but still I'm not earning any money - all I want to do is crawl up in bed but I haven't seen the sun in nearly 2 weeks, I'm so miserable guys and my family wont help me they just think I'm pathetic so no support there (and let's be honest I am a bit - but some support might be nice) - anyone else feel like this but still ok???


---------- Post added at 03:04 ---------- Previous post was at 02:09 ----------

anyone... someone ....

---------- Post added at 04:42 ---------- Previous post was at 03:04 ----------

someone..... anyone...please :)

09-07-18, 10:00
Well I'd stop calling yourself pathetic for a start. Won't get better with an attitude like that towards yourself.

With viruses, the only thing you can really do is relax and let time pass. You'll pick up again eventually. Get plenty of rest, drink water, be patient. And get help for your anxiety.

09-07-18, 10:18
THank you - I know, nothing much I can do but rest, just over it and yes need help for anxiety.

09-07-18, 10:31
Hi All,
We'll I've been sick with two colds back to back - one only lasted 5 days then two days after it left I started feeling sick again - sore throat which progressed to a full blown cold - congestion and just feeling so disgusting. Brain fog, numb mind, at one point I almost took myself to A&E as I felt so off, but got a bit better the next day, I'm at day 8 now and have bad congestion and brain fog still but don't have the same 'off' feeling I did, plus I can hear again as I had terrible congestion but I'M STILL SICK! I went to Dr today and she said it's a virus and I just need to let it do it's thing but it's been 8 days - wtf!
Now to top it all off my anxiety is back with a vengeance, I'm snapping at anyone who talks to me, I'm freaking out I"ll never get better, I want to cry but too scared too as that will cause more congestion - I just feel battered inside. Anyone else get like this with a virus? What do I do?
I haven't worked for like 2 weeks as I go one cold after another, luckily I have my own job but still I'm not earning any money - all I want to do is crawl up in bed but I haven't seen the sun in nearly 2 weeks, I'm so miserable guys and my family wont help me they just think I'm pathetic so no support there (and let's be honest I am a bit - but some support might be nice) - anyone else feel like this but still ok???


---------- Post added at 03:04 ---------- Previous post was at 02:09 ----------

anyone... someone ....

---------- Post added at 04:42 ---------- Previous post was at 03:04 ----------

someone..... anyone...please :)

Hi Tan,

This pattern with colds/viruses is very common with people who have autoimmune activity eg. CFS/Fibro/Lupus etc and it often depletes them.

Quite often I get one cold after another which ends up in my sinus. I'm working with children but also school age children always bring home lots of virus's in winter. I've had colds that have gone on for several weeks and coughs can last for months. Take care and don't get too stressed about common old virus's. Have you had a flu shot this year?

10-07-18, 03:04
Hey WiseMonkey! I don't have autoimmune though ... but who knows. I don't do flu shots, I know too many people that have ended up very sick after taking it and one child that unfortunately suffered a disorder after it which ended up being a long term disability etc so yep - my decision, I actually have a friend whose an immunologist and she wont take a flu shot either, a highly debatable topic I know.
Flip side ( the dark side) I"m a hypocondriac that can't handle being sick.
I'm feeling better today but still have serious congestion and a crocky voice but feeling better energy wise.. i'm in a vicious cycle - some people just get sick and deal with it like my Mum, she gets sick, just carries on as if she isn't - don't know how you do that?!

I, on the other hand, talk about it till the words are mumbled reiterations of spam and no one listens anymore - I google sinus infection, brain infection, meningitis, etc etc ... I can't sleep - I have insomnia at the moment and all the while my faithful but tired body is fighting it!

I've also asked my Dr about autoimmune but apparently I don't have any markers and my CRP is almost negligible.

04-08-18, 00:36
Hey Guys,
I know admin may repost this to my old post .... not sure it's a new post or not but ... I'm now on my 4th cold, bunged up congested, mucus in my chest, this is the 4th cold since june - we are now just starting august, that means i've been sick literally for 2 months.
Has this happened to anyone else?
My Dr has put me on steroids but to be honest I don't notice anything.
I"m really over it guys, I haven't felt good in 6 weeks that's a long time, i'm trying to not let it get to me but just as I get better I get sick again?!
I'm healthy, i'm not under weight, or over weight, I drink lots of water, I'm constantly stressed out however with terrible anxiety and my daughter seems to pick up every bug going but can the body handle this constant assault!? I don't understand why I'm not getting better... I just need to hear that other people have gone through it and come out the other side. I've been sucking on lozenges seriously for 2 months non stop!!! I'm so depressed right now.
Please share share away, tell me similar stories to not make me feel so scared that something else is going on.

04-08-18, 02:08
Waves hand wildly and says “me!me!” I feel like I’m getting virus after virus. I hope it’s nothing sinister.

---------- Post added at 03:08 ---------- Previous post was at 02:34 ----------

Also, I am a mom too. A tired one. And seem to get all their bugs, no matter what.

04-08-18, 03:41
Oh yay but not yay but yay someone else who understands how crazy it makes you feel! Thank you for responding... x
I"m just hoping that this latest bout is the last, I've almost given up hope on being symptom free it's just ridiculous!

---------- Post added at 02:41 ---------- Previous post was at 01:10 ----------

Nervous Mommy, is yours centered around congestion? x

04-08-18, 22:31
Anyone else? This really is driving me bonkers, I d'nt understand why I'm so sick all the time!
I'm so congested, everything hurts - why me!

---------- Post added at 21:31 ---------- Previous post was at 21:16 ----------

I"m having a severe melt down today.

05-08-18, 08:46
Why has your GP put you on steroids for a series of colds?

05-08-18, 21:13
I was like that in winter - in the UK. My colds started in November and I had one after another till march. The last bout turned out to be pneumonia. Then had a 4 month break and now ill again. I have a 3 year old who goes to nursery and I tend to catch every bug he picks up there!

05-08-18, 22:06

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


05-08-18, 22:32
Hey WiseMonkey! I don't have autoimmune though ... but who knows. I don't do flu shots, I know too many people that have ended up very sick after taking it and one child that unfortunately suffered a disorder after it which ended up being a long term disability etc so yep - my decision, I actually have a friend whose an immunologist and she wont take a flu shot either, a highly debatable topic I know.
Flip side ( the dark side) I"m a hypocondriac that can't handle being sick.
I'm feeling better today but still have serious congestion and a crocky voice but feeling better energy wise.. i'm in a vicious cycle - some people just get sick and deal with it like my Mum, she gets sick, just carries on as if she isn't - don't know how you do that?!

I, on the other hand, talk about it till the words are mumbled reiterations of spam and no one listens anymore - I google sinus infection, brain infection, meningitis, etc etc ... I can't sleep - I have insomnia at the moment and all the while my faithful but tired body is fighting it!

I've also asked my Dr about autoimmune but apparently I don't have any markers and my CRP is almost negligible.

Hi, some people are sero-negative which means they have no markers ie their ANA's ENA's etc are normal. I'm sero-negative and have been for 25 years, I was diagnosed on symptoms. Have you seen a rheumatologist and discussed your symptoms? Is there any AI stuff in your family of origin?
Your symptoms sound very familiar.

About the flu injection, it's a choice whether you do or don't. This is the first time I've had one and I teach so am continually exposed to germs. Last year I caught the flu, had sinus infections and colds (all during winter) so I decided to get one this year. The flu virus is not alive, I had no adverse effects.
Regarding bad case scenarios, you can find them, there is always that tiny percentage that something affects. Some parents are not opting to immunize their children against common killer diseases because they are afraid of what might happen to them (or they are just against it) so we are seeing a resurgence of these diseases.

I think it's important to put things in perspective, colds, sinus virus's are not going to kill you. A sinus infection can be very difficult to shake if you don't get antibiotics to clear it. Not everyone's nasal passages are wide enough to clear the infection (mine aren't) so there are variables. I know you have an aversion to antibiotics but there are so many different types available.
If I need them, I take them. I'd rather have my infection cleared up, than have it drag on, exhausting my body, but that's me.

Yes you can get another cold if you are on antibiotics, as they don't prevent you from picking up virus's, they just treat bacterial fallout from a cold.

Take care :)

10-08-18, 06:03
So I went BACK to the DR's Ive been 2x a week for 2 months and they have put me back on steroids and Doxy.
Wise Monkey that's wht you took right?
I can't shake it - I was literally at my doctors crying my eyes out with snot streaming down my face but congested at the same time..... poor dr.
I have never been so congestd in my life, the ENT Dr I visited last year did tell me I had large turbines ... whatever that means, I'm heading back to see another one in 1 week - this is an expensive winter!
Anyone else with stories of on-going chronic congestion from a cold or even allergies?
I asked them about Fungal sinusitis and they said highly unlikely but how do they know that!?
I've already taken Roxy and Steroids and that did little to nothing!!!

10-08-18, 07:11
Your reaction may not help. It’s a cold, they are rubbish and everything but possibly your body is still run down & that’s why you keep catching one. I have a child and I’ve had 2 or 3 years like this, of catching virus after virus.

What are you doing to help yourself?
Rest helps, but not just laying around feeling sorry for yourself. A nice walk and fresh air would also help.
Steam is brilliant for congestion- showers or baths.
Olbas oil
Fresh lemon & honey in warm water a few times a day.
Vitamins - especially vitamin C and Zinc

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10-08-18, 07:48
HEy Scass, thanks for responding, what am I doing? - Nothing really
Im stressed out, not sleeping - eating take away, looking after my darling daughter like a Mum should but not looking after myself....so yes I can see my pattern, but never had congestion like this!

10-08-18, 11:20
I get hayfever that sometimes leads to sinus infections. I take Zyrtec almost daily. However when I’m having an attack it does nothing. My doctor gave me a script for a nasal spray called Dymista. I thought “yeah yeah that’s $50 for little if any result”. It turned out to be amazing. I only have to use it once and my hayfever symptoms disappear.

10-08-18, 12:02
HEy Scass, thanks for responding, what am I doing? - Nothing really
Im stressed out, not sleeping - eating take away, looking after my darling daughter like a Mum should but not looking after myself....so yes I can see my pattern, but never had congestion like this!

How old is your daughter?
I do completely understand your pain. But every little bit helps, is there anyone that can help you?

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10-08-18, 21:27
Shes 6 - she's also the same as me just sick all winter.
I feel better today, I do have antibiotics and steroids on hand just in case I need them but I'm assuming if congestion is not as bad I''ll hold off, I do have an awful sinus headache though!
How old is your child x