View Full Version : Brain tumor symptoms

04-08-18, 07:38
Three days ago I started to experience on and off weakness in my left arm and leg. It's more of just a weak feeling than an actual muscle weakness and a very loud ringing in my ear. This happened for the first time about three and a half months ago. At the same time that the weakness was happening, I got an MRI of my head and neck and it came back all clear. A few days after the results, the feelings subsided. I thought they were gone for good, but I was wrong. Now they're back again and it's causing me a great amount of anxiety to the point of having multiple panic attacks a day. The last time I saw my neurologist, she was not worried about a brain tumor at all. She had said that it was a hemiplegic migraine. But, for some reason, I can't get that through my head. I am 100% convinced the tumor was too small to see on the scan back when I got it and it has grown since then, in turn, causing these symptoms to reappear. I feel like I'm the only one who feels like this and I feel like I am going to be diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor and only have a year left to live.

04-08-18, 12:52
If they say you don't have a brain tumour then you don't to be fair.

If the feelings come and go it can't be anything serious.

04-08-18, 13:05
You are catastrophising, which is common with HA, thinking of the worst possible outcome, even though it's the least likely. You certainly shouldn't feel alone as nearly all those suffering with HA will follow a similar thought pattern.

Have a read of this: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/healthanxiety