View Full Version : Weirdest fears!

13-08-07, 15:01
Hi Guys,

Firstly I am fairly new here not sure if I am posting in the right place or this is appropriate considering people worries so mods feel free to remove.

Just thought I would start a bit of a light hearted thread so that we could see we are not alone with our crazy fears and maybe have a little giggle.

My weirdest fear is that I am a heroin addict (Urm never been near heroin in my life) and that I am just one step away from being hooked. I cannot watch people shooting up in films etc incase it temps me to rush out and score some! Fortunately I realise that this is not rational and have not turned up at he GPs to ask for methadone yet!

Anyone else want to share?

13-08-07, 16:42
yeah i get alot of dreams where i'm viewing porn at work and i get caught...my team are behind me watching and laughing and the speakers wont turn off so im left with facing my peers as sally gets a bang bang from the french milk man - Christophe "oochy, oooochy" 'n all that!!

i also lokk for excuses in my head when im with strangers in a crowded place for saying something really inappropriate and making myself look an arse....which is weird cause i dont get embarrassed easily and i regularly make a fool of myself for the craic!!!

13-08-07, 16:56
i'm afraid that we could have a tsunami anyminute.
or that any bad weather is the end of the world.

13-08-07, 17:12
Lol - DM - how awful. You should unplug the speakers just incase!!! Sammi B, I guess the tsunami one is kinda rational as it has happened. I have had recurring dreams about tidal waves ever since I was a little girl for no known reason!

The bad weather one must be driving you crazy after this summer! You should maybe try sites like metcheck and accuweather which actually give you an explanation of why the weather is doing what it is doing - may help you rationalise it. xx

13-08-07, 17:20
I know this is supposed to be a light hearted thread but I was just replying & writing down my "crazy" fears when I realised - Theyre not crazy at all anymore! I've been fearing these things for so long, they're actually more likely to happen thnan ever - Aaarrrgghh!!!!!!!! :doh:
I have been scared twisters/tornados for as long as I can remember but have always been reasured by the fact that they just don't happen in the UK. However, global events have conspired against me & now we bloody do have them!!! All over the place! More & more often! There was one 15 miles away a few weeks ago & my town had an earthquake in April - F*cking bizarre!:shrug:

I also fear that all the wonderful people in my life are going to die. Which is the most fundamental truth of being alive - We're all gonna die.:w00t2:
And as every day passes, we each get a little older thus a little closer to the big D. Shite.

Still, I'm here today & so are they. Also no signs of celestial doom just yet (I'll keep ya posted) so I can't complain! :D

13-08-07, 18:03
hi Carpe - I wonder if your twister fear has anything to do with the wizard of oz? I remember finding that really scarey when I was a little girl!

even though they are now happening in the UK, I reckon if you could get the stats it would still be millions to one chance that you would get stuck in one - probably still more chance of winning the lottery..

You should go put a bet on down at the bookies of your house being damaged by a tornado - I bet you would get really good odds, then if it ever happens, at least you'll be quids in!!!