View Full Version : advice needed.

13-08-07, 17:53
Been on cipralex for 10 days now and have to say they are slowly working. However my anxiety remains high. My mum has had anxiety periods in the past much wose than me anyway she said to me you not half as bad as me I used to have thoughts involving the devil etc. this freaked me out at the time and told her not to say anything more.

so when I was totally chilled out watching tv, that conversation came into my head and the news was on with the red screen border so... you may guess I associated the red with evil which I know is totally irrational but I dont want to get psychotic or suffer delusions everytime I see dsomethung red as my mind has already started to spot things red and therefore make the ridiculous association!!!

Also scared of telling dr this incase they want to section me or put me on dodgy meds.

any adsvice would be appreciated - oh I'm on cipralex day 10.

13-08-07, 18:43
Isnt that just how anxiety works?..... If you are anxious, anything negative springs to the front to try and justify the feeling..... be it a devil or anything else thats bad or evil......it just seems to fit no? But that IS the nature of the beast.... these are normal thoughts if you are suffering anxiety, seek help in the form of therapy so that you come to realise these are quite normal if not in-appropriate thoughts! good luck.

13-08-07, 18:47
yeah i do it mate.

anything be it film, music or general chat about ecstasy, amphetamine, MDMA - hardcore drugs basically and the likes really gets me thinking about how much i would hate if i was on anything like that.

a mate was telling me about his weekend away and how much he had done and after a while i zoned out just feeling how disgusted i'd be if i did what he did.

13-08-07, 19:29
Hi absb41,

As Andy says, anxiety focuses on negative thoughts and is very deceptive.

When I was really bad there was not a moment in the day where I wasn't latching on to things that people said, things I watched on the tv, or things I read. And every day I thought I was that much nearer to being locked away.

Everything just pointed to negativity all the time - it was most exhausting.

I took Citalopram 60mg per day, and after they 'kicked in' those thought patterns started to return to normal, thank goodness!

I do have the occasional 'ping' moment, but when I do I'm able to tell myself that it's only an irrational thought and it doesn't stay around long !!

Hopefully, as you continue with your meds, you'll be able to say the same.

big hugs :hugs::hugs:


13-08-07, 21:45
Hi absb41,

Irrational thoughts is what anxiety is all about and the fact that yours have latched onto what your mum said is normal because that's what you fear. I'm glad to hear the meds are working and with 10 days already under your belt you should feel some real positive effects soon.

Take care,


14-08-07, 09:30
thankyou for your thoughts so far i didnt realise anxiety could be so debilitating.

spoken to dr this morning who assures me no evidence of psychosis!!!!! just acute anxiety and signed me off again until the 5th of september - much to my relief so I can get meds in my system and really recouperate.

Just a really bad time as I am about to rotate into mental health with my job!!!!

14-08-07, 09:33
forgot to say thankyou all for your responses - especially groovy granny - this website is invaluable in educating people and making us feel understood X