View Full Version : cannot cope anymore

14-08-07, 10:24
I have had panic attacks/constant anxiety now for over 6 years now and dont know how much more of it I can take.

Feeling so fed up today.

14-08-07, 10:34
It can get better. The length of time you ahve had them makes no difference to your ability to recover. It just means you have more time to build up memories and associations.
With the right guidance and input from you, recovery can be made.

Having bad days and blips seems to be par for the course.

Do you have panics about a specific thing or general panics?

14-08-07, 11:36
Sorry your having a crap day hun so have a hug to cheer you up :hugs: xxx

14-08-07, 11:43
Sorry Your Having Such A Bad Day But Things Do Get Better Thats What You Have To Look Forward To Ya Have To Stay Positive And Tell Yaself Its Just A Feeling And Over Time It Truly Subsides Cause Your Fighting The Negative Thoughts Ive Has This A Long Time I Know Its Scary Its Painful It Just Plain O Sucks But Keep The Faith Stay Positive Ok I Know Its Hard But Ya Can Do It...i Wish Ya The Best...........linda Xx

14-08-07, 12:42
Hi Ann,

Sorry you're having a hard time of it today. Just try to remember it'll pass soon enough - easier said than done when you're feeling bad i know :hugs:

I hope you feel better soon,


Pink Princess
14-08-07, 13:33
hi xx

have a hug to cheer yourself up and i hope you can see that there is light at the of the tunnel, tomorrow is a mystery you never know when the sun will be out xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

love minnie xxxxxxxxxxx

14-08-07, 15:23
Thanks everyone for your kind words.

I still feel awful. I had to go out with the kids shopping this morning and was soooooooo tempted to turn back and come home - but didnt. I feel that the extra stress I put on myself cannot be doing me any good - but what can you do.

I am anxious from the minute I get up till the minute I go to bed. I worry constantly about how I am feeling and about every symptom I get.

Thanks for listening.

14-08-07, 15:35
Hiya Ann,
don't forget to give yourself a pat on the back for facing an uncomfortable situation and winning.
Here is a :hugs: from me and a well done:yesyes: .
we forget sometimes to congratulate ourselves when times are bad but these are the times we need it most.


14-08-07, 20:11
:yesyes: hi ann , i also want to offer my support to you as i know how hard it is and i know you need all the encouragement you can get:hugs: hang in there it can and does get better, the more you learn the better it will get, and you have to try to find out why your not getting better and then find out about all the things you can do to help yourself. but i know it is a very long painful road, so all my best wishes are with you:flowers:

14-08-07, 20:23
Hey Ann..

Firstly a MASSIVE well done for mananging the shopping (+ children). I can't even do that....even with a safe person. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.

I would offer you some advice as to how to deal with this, but unfortunately i've been severely agoraphobic for 9 years and if i knew the answer i would be well myself :(


14-08-07, 20:37
A warm welcome to you Ann:D

Luv Kaz x

14-08-07, 21:33
Thanks everyone. I know I should be grateful for the things that I do do, even if the panic/anxiety are still with me - I am just finding it really tiring and see no light at the end of the tunnel.

As soon as I wake in the morning the first thing I think about is panic and then the day just revolves around it. I am sorry for whining on about it.