View Full Version : Burping jst when i close my eyes to sleep

04-08-18, 15:35
Constant burping only when trying to sleep could it be psychological?? Like im sitting on my chair watching tv if i close my eyes try to sleep the burping begins and when i open my eyes and continue watching tv it stops! Can our brains do these crazy stuff:shrug:

04-08-18, 15:48

Please try and keep all your issues to one post. Thanks

04-08-18, 16:46
Yeah psychosomatic or could be do you drink water or a drink before bed? When do you have dinner? Try to eat 3 hours before and watch what you drink before hand x

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04-08-18, 18:59
Thx for your reply .. i dont think its linked wiith dinner because even if i dont eat .. jst sitting on the chair trying tp sleep i start burping