View Full Version : Lynph nodes

04-08-18, 19:11
I’ve noticed my lymph nodes are bigger on one side on my neck and groin? Is it normal for lymph nodes to be naturally bigger on one side

04-08-18, 19:12

06-08-18, 11:03
how much bigger are you talking? i have the same sort of symptoms driving me crazy! its always good to talk about these things with like minded people i find it helps me put my mind at ease

06-08-18, 12:34
nothing crazy like a lump but when i feel and prod i can tell one is bigger

07-08-18, 12:14
The nodes I can feel on the right side of my neck are pea sized whereas the ones on the left side are absolutely tiny, like just a bit bigger than poppy seed sized. Our bodies aren't perfectly symmetrical. As long as the lymph nodes aren't growing and are pea/bean sized or smaller, you are fine.