View Full Version : Shoulder pain and sternum pain..

05-08-18, 13:46
Well, I was playing football the other day, and I stretched my shoulder right round, causing a sharp pain through to my collar and sternum.

Ever since, its been causing pain and worry. I keep thinking i've dislocated something, despite the fact both my shoulders are normal shape, and so are my collars and sternum area. Nothing sticking out e.t.c..

When I get up and bend down, it causes mild-moderate pain, but when I stretch, it causes a sharp pain.

Need some advice :unsure:

05-08-18, 14:03
Sounds like you have pulled a muscle.

Why is this worrying you when you have a reason for the pain and must know it can only be a muscular or soft tissue damage issue?

05-08-18, 15:22
Sounds like you have pulled a muscle.

Why is this worrying you when you have a reason for the pain and must know it can only be a muscular or soft tissue damage issue?

Thanks for the reply..

I'm not sure..Its basically a 'what if' or 'not sure' worry.