View Full Version : Guidance on direction please

14-08-07, 12:44
Hi guys,
Im Andrew(AKA AnxAndy), 44 and suffering (Im told) GAD. Ive had these symptoms before over the years but this episode seems to be the worst. Im currently taking meds for depression. ive tried citalopram, Setraline and now just starting back on Prozac, which did seem to help last time.
ive had CBT via the NHS with moderate success.... i.e the therapist has identified that I worry a lot and that I need to just stop worrying (Yeh, easier said than done right?) Im currently off work for 4 weeks while I try and cope.
im NOT looking forward to going back as I have to spend a lot of time travelling and staying away from home.... something I cannot face the thought of at the moment.
I know this description will hit home with some of you but I can best decribe it as 'I fear fear'...... does that makes sense?
What Im looking for is some direction and hope...... whatever I seem to do or try makes me feel worse, I feel as if the more I try the more I fail and the deeper I get. I desperately want to get back to work and feel normal again....... I want to live not just exist.
Would any of you recommend more counselling?, Im willing to pay for private treatment.
Thanks in anticipation. x

14-08-07, 12:57
:flowers: Hello my sweety pie.

I'm sorry to hear that your not feeling well at the moment, and i probs can't help much as i've only had this thing 3 months. but i do know what your going through when you think you fear fear, who doesn't fear fear, nobody wants to be scared, noone wants to admit they are scared but thats what we are, we are all just scared that it won't go away but hunny it will.

just have to keep going through the motions. i'm afraid i'm not here to give you a miracle peice of advice just to let you know that i'm here if you want to let it all out, and i'll be here to give you some kind words.

i'm sure the others can help you with the meds part, but maybe if you go back to work it should distract you from your anxiety and might be good to get out of your comfort zone

anyways, i'm thinking of you hun, hope you feel better

lots of love

CHUCKLES :yesyes: :hugs: :hugs:

14-08-07, 14:49
Have you tried any self help books on anxiety and panic (CBT based)? - I know they have also helped me. Also a book called feel the fear and do it anyway made me really look at my thought pattens - some good bedtime reading whilst you are staying away from home

14-08-07, 15:07
:) hi andy,

yes what you say totally sums up myself - i fear, fear!!:weep:

awful isnt it? but it doesnt need to be a life sentance and you can get through it and come out the other end, usually a better wiser person!! so theres a positive!!

you say everything you try makes it worse? how about not trying anything!!!

how about just accepting the situation you in without DEMANDING that it goes???? yes ultimately you want yourself back to how you were, but you are demanding it i expect and are getting mightily upset and frustrated not to mention more anxious when the anxiety doesnt go down and you are left feeling the same or horror of horrors your anxiety seems to get steadily worse????

i am one on here who was so crippled anxiety/panic that 7 weeks ago i couldnt go to anglesey(82miles away!!!) for a weekend and who wouldnt be on my own for 5 minutes without panicking and who hadnt been into my town alone for 7 years!!!

now in the last 7 weeks andy, ive been into town with my 9 year old daughter, with my niece and sister (who have no clue how i feel ,and who i wouldnt ever want them to!), been to my therapist alone in the car, been in sainsburys alone in car (5-10 min drive),been into our borders store on my own, been to anglesey for a week, and basically just got on with my life despite the anxiety!!! and have continued to make good progress with my dependancy/agoraphobia.

so like others have said, we all feel the same thing for whatever reason, its just finding the self-help techniques that will work for you, for me its books, and as many as i can afford to buy!, walking my dogs, working, relaxing ,going gym, reading, deep breathing and eating/sleeping well and constantly challenging the negative thoughts, oh and also at the end of the day accepting!!! thats the biggest one i feel, because you know you have this tendancy to have this intense crippling anxiety so you accept it as being part of you, and that you will feel it at times in your life, usually when something is wrong or your under stress.

it can also be a good thing as it can be a message from the un-concious that something isnt right in your life, its not all bad!!! but you do have to work it all out for yourself i suppose? this is just how ive done it.

anyway good luck with it:yesyes:

14-08-07, 15:27
Thats great advice emmas. It may seem bad now but the more you fight it head on the worse i seems to get. Acceptance is a good way of putting it.