View Full Version : Small white scar like spot

05-08-18, 22:15
23/M. I have no idea how long it has actually been there for but for at least 2 years I have had a very small white oval 'spot' on my left forearm. Up close it is perhaps the tiniest bit raised, almost perfectly oval, but looks just like scar tissue. I am, and have always been fairly pale, but this 'spot' is pure white and certainly noticeably lighter than the surrounding skin. Like I say looks just like a very small oval scar. The only strange thing is I do not remember ever burning or injuring myself there, and I don't remember there ever being a mole or anything in that location.

My HA is ridiculous and I've managed to convince myself this could be some kind of undiagnosed skin cancer and thus the resulting worry that if it was, after at least 2 years I could be screwed. The only positive thing is the scar like spot has not changed at all in the past 2 years, same size, texture everything, no other colours running through, its exactly the same.

I guess what my question is is, if it were a skin cancer would it have changed/grown in the past 2 years, or to put it another way, do skin cancers always change and/or grow?

05-08-18, 22:17
23/M. Posting this one again as last time there was no response. Just wondering if anyone has any idea what this could be or has had the same thing.

I've noticed for a good few months if not more that I have a small hard lump in my ear, right at the start of the ear canal, it feels like it is in the corner behind the tragus if not attached to the back of the tragus. It is small, hard and painless. I'm not sure if it is growing, but if it is, it is very slowly. I can't see it, given that it is in my ear, but I have shown my sister, and it is visible if the tragus is pulled forwards out of the way. She said it is skin coloured and just looks like a lump/bump. I have never had any piercings.

The lump appears to move with the tragus, if I push the tragus or hold it and the lump it appears to move with the tragus, in other words it doesn't seem to be connected to bone.

Any ideas?

05-08-18, 22:23
Very common little cyst. It's like a pimple in your ear. Either it will eventually create a head and drain or your body will absolve on its own. Nothing to worry about.

05-08-18, 22:24
It's a scar.

Are you getting any help for your HA?

05-08-18, 22:29

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