View Full Version : C-section On Friday Morning

14-08-07, 13:45
:weep: Hi

Im having a c-section on friday morning and this past week my anxiety has rocketed. Im so dizzy all the time, cant sleep, feel like crying, but its my dizziness that is causing me the most problems - I cant bear it!

Has it increased as Im getting nervous about friday?

Im sooooooooooooo worried about having a panic attack on the operating table!

Can they give me something to calm down do you think?

I remember the last time (5 years ago), just before they started, I came over all faint and they gave me oxygen, which did help, I wasnt suffering with anxiety at the time, but now I do and its really bad, and I dont thing Ill cope and its worse now as I know what will happen. Its a really surreal feeling that youre awake and your stomach has been cut open, etc!

Sorry for the rambling, please wish me luck, Im sooooo scared - Lizzie xx

14-08-07, 14:27
Aaw, Lizzie,


I'm sure the medical staff will ensure that whatever is needed to help alleviate your anxiety will be made available to you.

As you say, you have been through this before and it went ok - so use that knowledge to your advantage.

I don't need to tell you to just try and focus on the end result of this procedure - but I will, just to try and reassure you!!

I'm sure the members who are also nurses/midwives will reply very positively to your thread - and be able to reassure you much more than me!

Thinking of you - and don't forget to keep in touch until Friday,........and afterwards of course!

Good luck - and lots of love to you



14-08-07, 14:30
Lizzie :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Believe me I understand how scary it is!!! I had a c-section many moons ago. If you ask your gp then he/she may be able to give you something mild to take the edge off of the anxiety. A little happy pill is what I called it when I had mine:winks:

I was relaxed and calm :ohmy: and absolutely LOVED everyone - hehe But I didn't feel out of control - which scares me!!

I think that is the part of the c-section that scared me the most too! The out of control feeling! Just remember hun - you are in control!! If you need anything - tell someone. If you are scared - tell them and they can help to calm you.

It's your time not theirs!!!!

I will be sending positive thoughts you're way!!



14-08-07, 14:31
Oh lizzie, bless you worrying about having a panic attack on the table. I am if it happens I am sure they will be able to deal with that and calm you down and will have seen it all before. By focussing on it so much it may become more likely, Try instead to focus on the wonderful positive thought that you will soon be holding your beautiful baby in your arms and what happens on the operating table will soon be over and consigned to history. You will be fine and the end result will be so worth it. Good luck xxx

14-08-07, 14:51
:flowers: hey lizzie,

sorry to hear your so worried, i would be too!!! but like everyone has said you will be fine, and you can stay positive to try to alleviate the anxiety - i know easier said than done!!!!

but when the time comes on friday and its all over and done with youll wonder what you were worrying about!!! youve done it before and coped so you can do it again!!!!! believe in yourself.

anyway as soon as your up and about let us all know what you have?:yesyes:

good luck and best wishes

14-08-07, 15:06
Hi Lizzie

Jo here - you replied to my post yesterday about the immenent birth of my baby and I will give you the same comforting advice as I received from you and others. Just try to focus on holding your baby in just a few days time. To be honest, I think the anxiety is worse just thinking about it. From past experience, I know that when I was actually in the same situation twice before, my body just took over.

You have done it before 5 years ago and you will do it again on Friday. I will be thinking of you and can't wait to hear the good news.

Take care

14-08-07, 15:26
Dear Lizzie

I'm sure everything will go fine, it doesn't take long and you'll have a beautiful baby in your arms

Hope that you have a gorgeous baby and good luck


14-08-07, 21:06
Hi Lizzie

Lots of hugs for you for Friday :hugs: It is an exciting time with the arrival of your new baby.

It's natural to experience anticipation and some worry about the c-section. Perhaps speak to your doctor or gynaecologist beforehand and explain that you are anxious and ask what they can do to help.

Will be thinking of you :hugs:

Karen xx

14-08-07, 21:59
Hi Lizzie:flowers:

Well you could ask to be totally put to sleep I guess??

But Im sure if you explain your concerns they will give you something to help the nerves!!!

But my guess is it will be so quick you wont have time to panic and you will be soooooooo excited about meeting your lovely little bundle for the first time that you just wont panic anyhow:yesyes:

I will be thinking of you and please let us know how it goes:D

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

14-08-07, 22:11
Lizzie try not to be worrying hun the staff will look after you beautifully - just tell them exactly how you're feeling as I always find that works very well and the support you get back helps you no end.

We'll all be thinking of you and are excited for you - do hope someone can manage to let us know as I expect you'll have your hands full.

All the best hun - I never cease to think what a miracle it all is. :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

14-08-07, 22:23
Hi Lizzie

Just want to wish you luck for Friday too hun, you will be well looked after so try not to worry.

let us know how things go, ohhh im getting all broody now !:)

will be thinking of you !!:flowers:


14-08-07, 22:32
I wish you all the best for this exciting time, and i understand your concerns. But you have been there and done that before and you are fine and dandy! And once you are on that table it is just a few small steps to holding your new baby for the first time ever.
I had two children and then i had a c section, while awake, with my third child so i know exactly what it is like. And remember back to your other time and realize how quick it really is. From me going into theatre and them sorting me out and my hubby being brought in, till they pulled out my son and gave him to us took about 25 minutes in total from me going down. And it really does go quickly. They may give you oxygen again anyway as i had oxygen too, this does help and makes you feel better to. Then it will be all over and done with and you will not have any time to think about anything else then but your little bundle of joy in your arms. How wonderful will that be. Hold onto these moments if you can as believe me it does go to quickly. I remember mine being born but it seems that it didn't happen now as it has flown by and they grow like wild fire. Mine are now 17, 12 - nearly 13 and 9. Can't believe where the time has gone. Just wish i could hold your hand and welcome your beautiful child into the world with you. Will be thinking about you on Friday hun.
(P.s the worst thing the night before for me was the fasting!! Nothing to eat or drink, all i wanted was to drink a gallon of cold water, lol)

15-08-07, 09:14
Hey Lizzie.

Wow...not long to go :)

I expect that you're right and it is your increasing anxiety making you feel dizzy. Don't forget that you're also heavily pregnant! That sure makes lots of women feel pretty rough.

Definitely talk through your fears with the midwives - they will be very used to dealing with anxious mums. I am certain they will be able to help.

Will you have a birthing partner with you? Keep talking to him/her and try to distract yourself. You can also ask the theatre staff to keep talking to you and tell you what's going on, if you prefer. Failing that, just have a giggle at their jaycloth hats :winks:

Take care xxx

15-08-07, 10:08
I'm sure you are going to be fine- if you do panic or anything does happen then you will have all of the medical staff you need around you. I'm new and have just been reading a few of your threads- I really empathise with ou and you sound like one of the bravest people I've heard of

15-08-07, 13:42
Hi Liz Congrats On Your New Baby To Be....im Sure They Can Give You Something To Relax I Know They Also Can Put You Too Sleep Also If You Want, I Had 3 C-sections I Didnt Have This Then Either But I Rememeber Being Nervous Like Any Mom Would Before A Surgery And A New Baby Im Sure You Will Do Great I Wish You All The Best...keep Us In Touch..........linda Xxxxxxx

15-08-07, 22:09
Hi Lizzie just wanted to wish you luck for your c-section on Friday! I know when I had mine it was just so unexpected and I was so freaked by it all but as you know that panic all goes when you see your baby... focus on the end result and I Am sure you will be fine, your in good hands these guys do these proceedures like a couple of times a day they got to be good :D :flowers:

15-08-07, 23:56
Hi Lizzie,

i just wanted to say all the best for Friday, we will all be thinking of you.

Take care,

Shaz x

16-08-07, 00:57
Lizzie, just wanted to wish you all the best for friday, you will be rewarded with a beautiful baby.:yesyes:

16-08-07, 08:48
Good luck for tomorrow, I am sure once your at the hospital you will be so busy thinking about seeing your new baby for the first time you wont have time to feel anxious.

I had 3 c-sections and I remember saying to the midwife just as I was going up for my last one 11 years ago ' can I just go home I don't want to do this again' and she laughed and said 'well its a bit late now you should have said that 9 months ago'

Looking forward to reading wether its a boy or a girl and what you have named it.

Ohhhh i sooo love new babies


Trac xxx

16-08-07, 10:25
Hi Lizzie,

good luck for tomorrow, how exciting :) You'll be fine, they will take great care of you and it is very quick from starting till the baby is delivered.
The dizziness you felt last time is when your blood pressure drops, i was nervous of this with my last section (ive had 3) so i mentioned it to the anethitist (sp?) and he watched me like a hawk as soon as i felt odd he gave me a shot of something and i was right as rain immediately.
Let us know how it all goes,

love anx xx

16-08-07, 13:39
All the best for friday
:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

16-08-07, 13:43
Sending you good wishes for tommorrow too hun !!:hugs: :hugs:
http://th195.photobucket.com/albums/z113/grinzebacke/th_bestwishes.gifWill be thinking of you !!

:hugs: :hugs:

16-08-07, 13:56
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for all the kind words and encouragement for tomorrow. It has really made my day!!

!!Thank you!!
xx Lizzie xx
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

16-08-07, 23:18
I will be thinking about you tomorrow and wishing you all the best. Let us know as soon as you can what you have and just how beautiful they are!!
You will be just fine and with all of us on here thinking about you and sending you all our positive vibes, that is even better!!
Give your baby a big kiss from all of us.
:yesyes: :flowers: :yesyes:

16-08-07, 23:39
Hello Lizzie luv!

Bit late I know but I'm sure all will go well tomorrow - looking forward to your next news :):)!!

Thinking of you

Take Care



17-08-07, 08:30

all the best for today! You will be fine!

Looking forward to hearing about your new bundle of joy:yesyes:


17-08-07, 09:36
Thinking of you today ,
wishing you all the happiness all the world.

17-08-07, 09:42
ooh a new baby..wonderful ..hey hun wishing you a wonderful and exciting time as you have your baby and start your journey together..cant wait to hear how it all goes:hugs: :hugs: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Granny Primark
17-08-07, 10:09
Hi lizzie,
Just wanted you to know Im thinking of you!:hugs:
Please come on and tell us all about you and your baby.

Take care

17-08-07, 11:17
Just to say again thinking of you this morning and remembering having my three piglets all over again!! :yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers:

17-08-07, 20:37
Hi Lizzie

Been thinking of you today hun, hope all as gone well for you !

:flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

miss motown
17-08-07, 22:25
hi hun im sorry im to late to give you some reasurance on your c section but by now youll be recovering well and enjoying your new arrival so congratulations. ive worked in the gynea theatre for 7years and you wouldent be the first to experiance some anxiety every woman who comes in to theatre has some worries and fears the thought of going in to theatre can be a scairy experiance but well done and congratulations

18-08-07, 12:06
Hope all went well:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:flowers:

02-09-07, 23:40
:yesyes: Hi

Sorry its taken me soooooooooooooo long to post, but I had my little baby, Isabella, no problem.

She was very small, only 5 pounds 13, but she is perfect!

I managed to cope with the c section, I didnt even need anything to help me calm down!!

The only problem I had was feeling sick and faint when I had the spinal!

I think my problem was the anticipation!

Thank you to everyone for your kind words of support, it really means a lot to me. :hugs:

Liz xx

02-09-07, 23:56
Congratulations Lizzie and welcome to your wonderful baby daughter!! I am glad that you went on well, i had a spinal block with my third child for a planned c section and went on fine too. I am so pleased for you and somewhat envious too, lol. Give her a big kiss from me.xx
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

02-09-07, 23:58
well done hunnie

Im so pleased it all went well and now you have a wonderful baby girl!!!!

well done babe

luv tracie x

03-09-07, 09:52

I am so pleased for you hunny:hugs:


03-09-07, 09:58
Many congratulations on the arrival of your lil baby girl :bighug1:XxxX

03-09-07, 10:09
Hi Lizzie

Congratulations on the birth of your little girl. I hope you are recovering well.

My son, William Alexander was born on Saturday 18th August and all went well for me too despite my anxiety. Just need to get some sleep now!!

Feel free to PM me when you get a moment to yourself, especially if you have any baby related anxieties. Perhaps we could help eachother out.

Take care

03-09-07, 11:01
:yesyes: Congratulations :yesyes:
to both Lizzie and Jo on their new arrivals
brilliant news girls!!!!!
Love Piglet :flowers:

03-09-07, 11:26
congrtas liz ........sounds like it all went well :) a baby girl how precious all worth it isnt it..................take care and rest now as much as you can..........linda xxx

03-09-07, 11:42
MANY ,MANY GONGRATULATIONS ON THE BIRTH OF YOUR DAUGHTER:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: ,WELL DONE HUN TOO..KNEW YOU WOULD BE OK:D How wonderful..new babies ..i love them:D Well donr to Jo too:hugs: :hugs: we have a boy and a girl on here now mmm lovely:hugs: :hugs: lots a luv.Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx