View Full Version : never-ending disease of virginity

06-08-18, 07:50
I'm an incel at almost 35 now. It is a horrible place to be in.

This sense of panic and dread that hangs over you, wondering if and when this will ever happen. It just hangs over you all the time but there are days when you feel it more than others. So I go through phases where some days I won't think about it but then there are days where it really gets to me and I can't sleep. I feel horrible inside and yes, it has affected my mental health. I'm not visiting an escort or something like that, that would make me feel even worse. I really want to experience this in a loving relationship. However like I've said before, it's not easy meeting new people, just having those opportunities to meet new people, let alone women. I'm trying to find new ways of meeting people because I know the more people I meet, the more chances I have of meeting a potential partner.

I haven't slept much this night and it's moments like this I wish I was never born. This is one of the worst human experiences I think anyone can go through - being an incel.

06-08-18, 08:44
l am not being rude but is this something you choose to be ?

as a woman l cant and dont understand, l really don't like things incel condones

welsh girl
06-08-18, 09:25
I am just being nosy and ignorant but could somebody enlighten me please?
What is an incel condone.? I have been racking my brain as I am usually aware of what is happening is it a new way of describing something, sorry .

06-08-18, 09:45
I am just being nosy and ignorant but could somebody enlighten me please?
What is an incel condone.? I have been racking my brain as I am usually aware of what is happening is it a new way of describing something, sorry .

Same here so I googled, doesn't sound good !! Kind of a cult, misogynistic and often racist

06-08-18, 10:08
I am just being nosy and ignorant but could somebody enlighten me please?
What is an incel condone.? I have been racking my brain as I am usually aware of what is happening is it a new way of describing something, sorry .

They don't think very highly of women,just Google it you see :lac:

06-08-18, 11:01
I've read that incels 'hate' women and see them as those who deny sexual pleasure to men? If you have these beliefs, I doubt it would be easy for you to change your mindset and be more open towards the idea of a loving relationship which you say you want so much. Perhaps I'm wrong and I am in no way suggesting you are a woman-hater or that there is something wrong with your belief system, but people are often unaware of how much their beliefs impact their lives and the decisions they make. As a Christian, I've felt feelings of guilt before, related to sexuality, but was at the time unaware of the origin of those feelings.

I know it's not easy to meet someone. I struggle with the same issue. However, it's important to not put pressure on yourself. These things happen when they happen.
In the meantime, you could try online dating or maybe seeing of one of your friends knows someone you could go on a date with...

06-08-18, 12:01
You start by immediately stating you're an "Incel". I don't like labels and all that they represent but I think there would be an egodystonic element which would cause problems in a healthy relationship with a female. If you follow Incel attitudes and beliefs of course.

But that aside, good advice from Ana.

06-08-18, 12:47
I agree with KK. I suspect you are labelling yourself as a way to kick yourself, labelling is part of Cognitive Distortion.

Like I said on your last thread nothing you say implies you are an incel. An incel would be laying all the blame at the door of the women they despise but you lay it all at your door and furthermore don't mention anything bad about women.

welsh girl
06-08-18, 13:07
Thank you,I am grateful for the information, , never thought of googling, !!
one learns something everday

06-08-18, 16:30
I'm assuming you are male. The best thing you can do is to stop placing so much importance on sex. It's really really fun but it isn't some kind of cure-all where once you experience it all of your internal problems will be solved! It won't necessarily bring you a fulfilling relationship either!

Plus, women can sense that kind of desperation and it will make them run for the hills. That being said, there is nothing wrong with inexperience! It's the paranoia and judgement you place on yourself that they will run from.

More importantly, try to be present and just enjoy your interactions with women, even if it's only saying hi to the lady at the store. Boost your ego in other ways, like lifting or running.

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