View Full Version : Nausea but cannot be sick

06-08-18, 08:04
Good morning I have a sick feeling and my stomach churns 24/7 but I cannot be sick its been a week now,can anyone please advise and is it a symptom of my GAD,thank you and can anyone relate to this:)

welsh girl
06-08-18, 08:44
I don't know if this will help but I get nausea very often and it is horrible,
I put it down to HA as t happens usually when I am deep in thought,or if I am expecting someone or ever when I am going out.

I was advised deep breathing. count up to ten then let it out slowly, perhaps it will work for you, but I know how you feel.

06-08-18, 08:56
Thank you @Welsh girl its just that its a new one for me,thanks for your reply,very much appreciated:)

07-11-18, 23:05
I'm glad I found this thread because nausea has become a new symptom for me. With a recent obsession that I'd got heart disease (a resting and stress ECG, echocardiogram and blood tests have shown I haven't), I had read via Google that nausea was a symptom of angina. I continued reading about angina and took notice of one man's story where fatigue was an overwhelming symptom. Lo and behold, the next morning around Asda I felt exhausted

The chest tightness/pressure, fatigue have gone but the nausea lingers. Is it possible, in anyone's experience, that the body/brain can learn new symptoms? And activate them in times of stress/anxiety? The destructive power of the mind is truly astonishing.

07-11-18, 23:27
Yes I believe that you can often feel a physical symptom of what you’re scared about. In my 20’s I felt nauseous for months.
It’s an awful symptom to have daily, but if you’ve ruled out other things, then it is just a symptom. Sorry you’re feeling like this.

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07-11-18, 23:35
Common Anxiety Symptom (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Digestive_systemNausea)

Positive thoughts

08-11-18, 22:28
Thank you Scass and Fishmanpa for the link. The nausea hasn't been too bad today strangely. I really thought I was a seasoned pro as far as anxiety went but it can still give me nasty surprises.

08-11-18, 23:15
My number one anxiety symptom is feeling nausea, it does make me sick at times, especially during severe panic.