View Full Version : Throat/Tongue Pain

06-08-18, 18:16
Hi all.

I'm trying very hard not to panic but obviously that's not working.

A few weeks ago (2ish) I was sick with a sore throat. My kids had a cold and I felt like garbage. I had tonsil stones,, too. It lasted a few days and then seemed to go away. Then, about 4 days later my husband got sick with a sore throat/body aches/generally feeling crappy. I followed suit a few days later.

Now, here I am almost a week out and still in pain. I thought it was getting better but mowbit seems bad again. The pain is in my tonsils and I've had plenty of tonsil stones again. I also have pain down the sides of my neck. My husband had the same.

Whatbis really freaking me out is the pain under my tongue. It's like the right side of my mouth floor is sore. I've looked and I can't see anything strange other than redness from being sick. But under my tongue was hurting enough to wake me up in the of the night. It hurts if I swallow and also hurts around my jaw if I press on the same area from the outside.

I googled (I know, I know) and now i think i have some sort of oral cancer. Logiclly, I know I dont. The pain gets better if I take tylenol or advil and my husband says he had the same thing. But the very irrational side of my mind refuses to believe it's anything other than the worst case scenario.

I've had a strep test done and it was negative.
No visible swelling, either and I dont feel any lumps.
Typing it all out makes it seem so ridiculous but I just can't get past the fear.
I'm trying to make another appointment with my doctor but she's away.

Anyone experienced anything similar?

07-08-18, 03:14
Dear ClaireB, I am so sorry you are suffering from the anxiety demon. It is vicious and makes us worry about all kinds of things.

From what I can tell from your post, I am pretty sure you are just fine. I often have hurts that spread to nearby body parts. That is especially true when it comes to my head. My teeth, gums, jaws, ears, nose, throat, neck and everything else nearby will hurt when I have a cold, headache, virus, allergies, and whatever.

You have kids who have been sick too. That means you are probably tired. Your resistance is likely down and you might be still fighting the infection.

Strangely, my son's family is going through the very same thing you are. Their whole family has been sick. My daughter-in-law thought she was sick last week, but she got better super fast. Now she is sick, sicker than anybody else has been. She's totally worn out from taking care of everyone. Being a mom is hard. It's hard on your body.

I bet you just need a few more days of rest. Your body is incredible. Give it time to do its thing. :hugs: