View Full Version : I feel like my life is falling apart it is controlled by anxiety

07-08-18, 09:11
Im 28 years old I have up to this point been managing to control my stress and anxiety until recently. I am now practically paralysed with fear and panic on a daily basis from morning to evening the symptoms I have are feelings of falling through the floor, feelings like my brain is jumping inside my skull, ear pressure, head pressure, sweating, sickness and uncontrollable derealisation. Feeling faint feeling like people are watching me. worrying obsessively about everything I screamed the other day in the middle of a supermarket that i just want to feel normal and be normal. I just want some help and need to get myself sorted I completed university and then trained as a teacher but whilst on my teaching course I experienced the worst derealisation and anxiety I have ever had. Since then I have been on a downward rollercoaster I can no longer work I lack little motivation to follow my passion of art and Right now feel there is no light at the ned of the tunnel I am afraid of medications and how they will make me feel plus the weight gain side of it is a turn off so just don't know what I can do now can anyone give me advice or help me please :weep::weep:?

07-08-18, 10:55
Hi Ryan, really sorry to hear you are going through this. You are not alone. I have suffered with panic attacks/anxiety for 9 years now and experienced all the symptoms you mentioned above and more. I'm currently off work too, it sucks.

I was afraid to take medication too but it has definitely improved my mood, I feel happier these days and the anxiety is a bit better. The first few weeks on medication are difficult though in my opinion because of the initial side effects, but they do wear off.

Are you going to seek counselling or CBT? Hopefully they can help you find the root of your anxiety and give you some tips to work through it.

Best wishes :)

07-08-18, 18:44
Thank you for the reply it's nice to know I'm not alone in this, did the medication help the anxiety ? And the symptoms what were the side effects from the anti depressants ? Also my anxiety dosent seem to have a trigger I'm literally afraid of everything and can't seem to work it out I have tried cbt and do go to private therapy.

07-08-18, 19:02
The medication has helped the anxiety a little bit, but I think it's talking therapies you benefit from the most. The symptoms weren't from the anti depressants but anxiety (like the dizziness, visual disturbances, panic etc.) There are side effects on the anti depressants tho when you start them, but they do wear off eventually it just takes time.

It might be worth giving it a go because anti depressants and therapy are supposed to compliment each other but have a chat with your GP about it and see what they think