View Full Version : Old Demons!!!!!!

14-08-07, 16:58
My partner and I have decided to go away on friday and saturday in our caravan.I have been really stressed lately and we thought a change off senery may help.Well I tried to book us in dorset way but being August most places are fully booked.:weep:
My partner suggested a site we went to west sussex way.Well I phoned and we got in:yesyes: Only one small thing:weep: This time last year I had a massive panic attack on a stretch of road that way:ohmy: and we have to go that way to the site.I havent been on that road since last August and now thinking about it Im not sure how Im going to cope.I dont feel to bad, but come Friday I dont know if its going to bother me,bringing back all them horrid thoughts of that day,memories.Its exactly a year this month that I had my last what I call major attack.It took me months to get over that.
I know I need to go,to get rid of the demons:wacko:

14-08-07, 17:14
Hello Ellen. i live in west sussex so if you do come, hope you like it lol and pop in for a cuppa lol

I think you'll be fine yorky but if it keeps bugging you that this piece of road might bring back memories then use the aa route planner and find another way to get there. even if it takes a bit longer if it reassures you

also another point why not get some relaxation cd's to have in the car just in case, but always remember it goes away and you'll have a good time

have agreat time!! where you going??


14-08-07, 20:02
:yesyes: hey ellen,

you know what youve gotta do dont you? youve just got to go!!!!!

there is no way round it! you will survive if you have an attack, you know you will!!!

i myself went on an 82 mile journey and i was crapping it, but we went early, and we came back early, but next time i want to go without controlling the time and going at the crack of dawn!!!

my prob is jams, the feeling of being trapped and the not knowing how long your going to be on that bit of road, i HATE IT!!!!!!!

but if you want to go, youve gotta do the journey, do it for yourself!!! just go, and if it doesnt work out this time try it again another time or start doing other journeys, thats what ive got to do!!! we can keep each other posted as to our progress?

you know that if youve had a panic in a situation the chances are you will feel anxious the next time, that is why we get like this in the first place!!! but then we avoid, so make the whole situation worse!!!

let yourself FEEL anxious as your 100% bound to, so instead of saying ' i can only go on this journey if i feel NO anxiety/panic'

say to yourself ' right ive been on this road before and i panicked here so my brain now thinks there is some danger here because of the last panic attack. so its okay for me to feel a little anxious as i approach this part of the journey. but there is no physical danger here to me, and if i do start to get preoccupied with my symptoms i can do things that will lower the feelings' then go on to do self-help measures like deep breathing, distraction etc. and also say to yourself ' if i panic i will not actively fight the panic feeling as then i know i am prolonging the sensations, and i know that if i dont fight them they are over within a couple of minutes!'

not sure if any of this helps or if youve heard it all a thousand times? but i wish you all the best and i really do hope you dont let IT stop you from getting away:winks:

14-08-07, 20:09
yorky, please describe exactly what happened and how you felt when you had this massive PA....


14-08-07, 20:44
Hi Ellen:hugs:

The trick here is not to keep thinking about it or you will have another pa!!!

Make your mind up not to think about it again!!!

A few weeks ago I went along a bit of road on the Isle of Wight where I had had a bad pa some time ago and I was fine!!!

Have a lovely break:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

15-08-07, 01:00
Hi Ellen.

I found this thread by Meg,

Hope it helps.




15-08-07, 01:47
I had a similar situation recently. One of the worst panic attacks I have ever had was at my sister-in-laws wedding. My husband was asked to sing, so he was not near me and I just had a massive panic attack. My brother in law got married last week, and of course, he also asked my husband to sing! I was so panicked. I could not handle dealing with another wedding, I was sure that terrible panic was going to return. Strange thing though, it didnt. I think that sometimes when panic is expected, it choses not to come. So, I think you will be pleasently suprised. Enjoy the road trip, and when you get to that part, try to find the panic, and I bet you that you will not be able to. I was sitting there during the ceremony thinking... ok this is when i get dizzy, this is when my vision goes... but none of that happened this time.

16-08-07, 16:44
Thank you all.feeling really positive at the mo,but thats today!!!!!!:wacko:
Im quite looking forward to going,just bathed Ollie so he is all clean and fluffy.He loves the caravan:yesyes:
Will be back on here sunday.Wish I had a lap top!!!!!:D

16-08-07, 21:28
Have fun Ellen:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

19-08-07, 16:26
well Im back, all went ok apart from my partner had a chest infection, and we had a tent next to us with loads of kids,I have nothing against children but they had a baby that never stopped screaming!!!!!!:mad: :mad: we just couldnt get any peace and quiet.The site was very busy.

I started to have an anxiety attack in the night,early hours of saturday morning but I got myself up and had a drink kept saying it will be ok in my head and it didnt come to a full blown PA:yesyes:
Thanks for all the support.

19-08-07, 17:03
im so happy ya went ellen..........we cant let this beat us down ......you done well....wish ya the best......linda xx

19-08-07, 17:28
Hi Ellen

Well done for going hun, i always say i will never go on holiday in the school holidays as everywhere is so busy. I think you coped exceptionaly well hun, be proud !:flowers:


19-08-07, 18:15
Glad it went well. We have a little boat (tub) and went on it this weekend. Apart from the awful weather, I coped really well but after all the rain am glad to be home. Summer eh????

20-08-07, 00:17
Hi Ellen
I am glad it went ok and well done on managing your panic attack - not easy I know, gives me hope
take care