View Full Version : Going back to work

07-08-18, 19:26
Hi Guys

Just wanted to write a post hoping someone can confirm that i'm not going as crazy as my brain is trying to make out...
But sometimes I take days off work as sick days when my anxiety is particularly bad. It's usually just the 1 or 2 now and again but every time I take a day off I get really anxious about going back like it's my first day again and struggle to cope and get myself back into it. It's even if I leave early one day, I get so anxious about going back in. I'm constantly thinking that people are talking about me when i'm not there and judging why i'm not at work and it just eats away at me!!!

07-08-18, 21:14
It’s horrible isn’t it, but it’s your anxiety acting up & your brain never giving you a minutes peace!

What are you doing to combat your anxiety already? Do you take lots of days off? How many this year?

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08-08-18, 08:20
I don't really do a lot to combat it at the moment. If i'm ever getting into a bad way I kind of just take myself away from whatever it is. Sometimes going for a walk and listening to music clears my head a bit
And i'd say in total i've taken about 2 weeks off this year

08-08-18, 16:57
So about 2 weeks due to anxiety?
Then I think it’s about time you did something to help yourself.

If I’m ever off work I do get anxious about letting people down, or whether they are furious with me. Anxiety then sits on top of anxiety!

Have you seen a doctor about yours?

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08-08-18, 20:42
Yeah I get the same!! Being at home I get anxious that everyone is talking about me and angry that they have to cover my work which makes me super anxious to go back but when i'm there I just feel like I need a break and feel like I can't be there because I'm too anxious. I just feel like i'm going around in circles and have no peace!

I have seen a doctor and i'm meant to go every 4 weeks for check ups but because my anxiety is so annoying, I always talk myself into them thinking i'm stupid or not believing how I feel and then I just avoid going. Have you seen a doctor about yours? If so, what's your experience like? x

08-08-18, 20:57
Well I’m probably a bit longer into my anxiety than you (not meaning to be patronising at all, I’ve had it over 20 years with about 10-12 of those being anxiety free).

I left my first job when I couldn’t deal with the agoraphobia that my train commute gave me. In my next job, I did take anxiety sick days, and I was pulled up on my sickness record. It took a long time for me to seek help from the GP, but when I did they sent me on a therapy course, and also taught me about progressive muscle relaxation and deep breathing methods. I’d say that those really helped me in the battle against anxiety.

It’s really hard taking those steps towards helping yourself.
What do your doctors do in the 4 week checkups?

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10-08-18, 19:43
No no don't worry at all, you're not being patronising :)
Yeah my doctor keeps talking to me about breathing methods, it's just pretty hard to remember to do when i'm in a full blown panic attack. It's just something I've got to work on I guess.
They do this like questionnaire every time about how I've felt in the past 2 weeks with scenarios and then I have to answer how regularly I've felt like that. At the moment I'm just waiting on counselling which is taking forever so she kinda just checks up on me until that starts.