View Full Version : Worried I took too many pills today :(

07-08-18, 23:12
Hi guys,

So last night at 11:30pm I took my birth control lolo. Then today st around 12pm I took my daily 300mg of iron. I have a bit of an earache and sore throat so I took an Advil liquid gel at around 6pm. Do you guys think that’s okay? It’s driving me crazy!! I’m so worried they will all have a negative interaction.

07-08-18, 23:15
Seriously? :huh: What possible reaction could there be?

Positive thoughts

08-08-18, 01:18
Those shouldn't interact, you're fine. You can always check drug interactions at drugs.com or call a pharmacy.

08-08-18, 01:32
Those shouldn't interact, you're fine. You can always check drug interactions at drugs.com or call a pharmacy.

They won't interact! Respectfully, I disagree with calling a pharmacy or Googling as it just feeds the dragon!

Jenn... you've been around for a while and you know better. Don't let something like this drag you into the rabbit hole.

Positive thoughts

08-08-18, 02:16
Thank you Fishman and Erin xx

Anxiety has been bad this last week. Deep down I know it’s okay especially since there are so many hours in between but my mind tends to wander to the worst :(