View Full Version : Lymph Node Issue?

08-08-18, 00:06
Hi all.

I’m new here, but just wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this. A few months ago I noticed a couple swollen spots on the back of my neck, right below the bottom of my skull. I was feeling a little under the weather, so I went to see my doc.

She told me that she thought I actually had an ear infection. Gave me antibiotics. Over time, the spots on the back of my neck (2 of them) got considerably smaller - But they never went away fully. I’ve seen 2 different doctors and asked if they were anything I needed to be worried about. Both of them said it’s nothing concerning.. And honestly couldn’t really even feel them. Maybe I’m hyper sensitive to them. Not sure. To me it’s obvious that they’re there but my husband can hardly feel them either. They’re only on one side as well.

I am diagnosed OCD and I do a very good job at coping, but this is one of those things that makes it flare up BIG TIME. I’m a new mom with a 10 month old so I think health anxiety is extra hard on me right now because I’m so maternal. :hugs:

Long story short, just wondering if anyone has experienced anything realitivly similiar?

I’m ready to quit worrying about this if at all possible.. Anxiety issues suck!

08-08-18, 00:14
You need to trust your doctor on this one as they know what they are looking for and feeling.

Search on here for similar posts - we have 1000's about lymph nodes and not one has been anything sinister.

08-08-18, 00:48
Nicola, thank you so much for your reply. It’s nice to know I’m not alone!

08-08-18, 01:27
I'm sorry you're going through this. My anxiety started when my daughter was born. I'd had very minimal anxiety like three times in my life until then. It was bad right off, got better, and then spiralled out of control right around this time, 7-10 months old. I finally got therapy just after her first birthday that's helped immensely. I still get flare ups (like right now), but I'm usually under control. Becoming a mother was very emotionally overwhelming for me. And, anacdotally, I think this stage postpartum is a very common time for postpartum depression and anxiety to spike. I know sooo many people where this was the case.

I went through every worry, including lymph nodes. I got symptom after symptom until the anxiety was gone and then so were the symptoms!

08-08-18, 12:13

Thank you SO much. I’m hoping this is the case for me too. I take medication for anxiety but I know therapy would help me tremendously too. :hugs: