View Full Version : Melanoma AGAIN

08-08-18, 02:00
Gahhh my health anxiety ALWAYS comes back to melanoma. Always always always! I've had 5 moles cut off in the past, all fine. Well today I was having my husband just do a routine check of this one mole when he saw another mole. It's in a weird location (near butt tmi) so I have no idea if it is new, has changed, etc. It's definitely atypical, blurry with a darker center. I'm seriously terrified because I know the doctor hasn't seen it on routine checks. And to top it off I leave for vacation Friday so I know it's going to be awhile to I can go. UGH I feel so sick and panicky.

08-08-18, 10:30
That doesn’t look anything like Melanoma to me. I mean I’m not a medical professional and anything you are worried about you should get checked for peace of mind but heck I am super obsessive about Melanoma and if that was on me I wouldn’t even bat an eyelid. Atypical is a misnomer as far as Im concerned because SO many people have funny looking moles that are totally fine. Yes a perfectly round, symmetrical tan spot is the ideal but our skin does some whacky stuff and most of its nothing to worry about.

08-08-18, 11:01
hi l would say get it checked esspecially if you don't know if its changed due to not being able to see it ,doesn't mean it is skin cancer just best to check
I go with the ABCDE guide


08-08-18, 12:45
Yeah I'm definitely going to make an appointment because I will just obsess but did this really have to happen before vacation. And belive me I know all about those abcde and it fits at least two of the criterias but I have other moles that do too that they say are fine. It's so difficult to know which are bad.

08-08-18, 12:53
Melanoma AGAIN

You didn't have it before. You don't have it now. Have a great vacation! :)

Positive thoughts

08-08-18, 13:31
Haha that's what my husband and mom keep saying but it only takes that one mole. And I know nothing about this one.

08-08-18, 14:37
Stop checking! When I was in a fear about skin cancer my derm actually told me that even though she tells most patients to self-check every month that I shouldn't. :roflmao: she was like, maybe give yourself a quick look like every 6 months. I, thankfully, only went through the skin cancer fear once.

I do have a million moles, so I'll go if something seems amiss, but I don't let myself get worked up about it. And I don't let myself obsess. If I know deep down it's nothing I just move on, if it's truly something new and concerning I call that day for an appointment instead of obsessing. I've only had one mole removed - because it was getting all cut up from new bras I'd bought that rubbed on it.

If you haven't already, have your derm explain better what your normal is. I have many moles that are two different colors. A few years ago when my anxiety was bad these would really worry me. But, my derm explained that for me they are normal. If you have more than one "atypical" mole and they look similarly atypical, then that's actually typical for you. She said, melanoma is rare enough that there's no way someone is going to have two cancerous moles on them. So, they look for patterns on your own skin, not only at the ABCDE guide generally.

08-08-18, 14:46

In this case "butt" :D However, your husband and mom are correct especially when it's in a place that typically doesn't see the sun. You're asking for reassurance and getting it but we all know how effective it is... NOT! :lac:

Anyway... regardless of what's written here, you're going to do what the dragon wants. Hope you get some peace of mind and enjoy your vacation.

Positive thoughts

08-08-18, 15:00
Stop checking! When I was in a fear about skin cancer my derm actually told me that even though she tells most patients to self-check every month that I shouldn't. :roflmao: she was like, maybe give yourself a quick look like every 6 months. I, thankfully, only went through the skin cancer fear once.

I do have a million moles, so I'll go if something seems amiss, but I don't let myself get worked up about it. And I don't let myself obsess. If I know deep down it's nothing I just move on, if it's truly something new and concerning I call that day for an appointment instead of obsessing. I've only had one mole removed - because it was getting all cut up from new bras I'd bought that rubbed on it.

If you haven't already, have your derm explain better what your normal is. I have many moles that are two different colors. A few years ago when my anxiety was bad these would really worry me. But, my derm explained that for me they are normal. If you have more than one "atypical" mole and they look similarly atypical, then that's actually typical for you. She said, melanoma is rare enough that there's no way someone is going to have two cancerous moles on them. So, they look for patterns on your own skin, not only at the ABCDE guide generally.

I am working through my own worry, and certainly hoping that is the case after having three lobbed off on Friday (god, the waiting for a call SUCKS....). The derm was saying there wasn't a cancer worry, just taking them because they were a bit different (though he noted one just because it was "dark"... go figure).

08-08-18, 16:24
I've calmed down a little bit. Still made an appointment for when we get back, but really trying not to freak out about it while on vacation. I can't see myself being the type to not look at my skin, especially since I'm fair with a good amount of moles. Seems reckless. I usually don't freak out so much but it's just I have no idea about this mole. I'm hoping it's always been there because I definitely would have never noticed it, I can barely see it if I try.

---------- Post added at 11:24 ---------- Previous post was at 11:23 ----------

I am working through my own worry, and certainly hoping that is the case after having three lobbed off on Friday (god, the waiting for a call SUCKS....). The derm was saying there wasn't a cancer worry, just taking them because they were a bit different (though he noted one just because it was "dark"... go figure).

Hands down the worst part. I've done it 3 times now and each time is terrible. Not looking forward to it again eventually.