View Full Version : Sinus/Tension?

08-08-18, 02:38

I have had a lot of pressure around my eye for a few days. I am stuffy and the pressure is below my eye along my cheek bone, and around the eye socket.
I went to the gp and he diagnosed sinus problems. Am taking antibiotics and nasal spray. I am stressing that it is something worse as my vision is affected, like when I get a migraine, I have occasional white spots in my vision and my eye feels like it is being squeezed.

I am having a lot of problems with stress at the moment and have anxiety when I wake up.

I am worried that I have something more sinister. I have had problems with sinus in the past where I basically could only half see through one eye. Docs have said that sinus can cause problems with vision. But obviously being a HA sufferer, I now have doubts.

Has anyone else had problems with blurry spots etc due to sinus and/or tension/anxiety?

Thanks in advance

mare serenitatis
08-08-18, 22:24
Ugh, I have chronic sinus issues. It radiates from my nose to my cheeks, into my eyes. I also have floaters, which are unrelated. Being anxious makes you tense, and in my case it’s made it worse.

08-08-18, 22:43
I have had problems with sinus in the past where I basically could only half see through one eye. Docs have said that sinus can cause problems with vision. But obviously being a HA sufferer, I now have doubts.

Please, please take no offence, but you sound exactly like the shopkeeper from the Dead Parrot sketch. The parrot is "resting", then it is moving (when he himself rattled the cage) then it is "stunned" and so on, while the bird is stone dead the whole time.

Coming back to your case: "you had problems with sinus in the past, you know that sinusitis can cause vision disturbance, the doctor confirmed it was a sinus infection but you STILL HAVE DOUBTS (read - still think it can be a scary big C or something even worse).

It is sinusitis and anxiety. You know that. Don't beat the dead parrot. Treat both problems and you will be better :)

08-08-18, 22:57
Thank you both. I know deep down it is sinusitis and I have fallen down the rabbit hole of seeking reassurance, as it feeling unwell like this is making me feel pretty low. That coupled with a very stressful home situation (separate thread in GAD) has made me revert to the naughty HA vicious cycle.

Sinus is horrible and I feel I can’t get away from my
Aching face! 🤣