View Full Version : Laryngitis / Throat worries :-(

08-08-18, 04:48
I completely lost my voice a few weeks ago. I was traveling at the time and the urgent care doc said it was the result of a virus. However, I mentioned that I think I had lost my voice some other time within the last few years (not actually sure when) and when I told her that she said that I should go see an ENT when I got home. My voice came back after a few days, but I've been having on and off issues for the past month since - (its basically that my voice hasn't fully returned to normal).
Anyway, now I'm worried that the doc told me to go see an ENT because maybe having laryngitis more than once in a few years is a sign of cancer or something. I'm terrified to Google anything in case it turns out it is. I'm 39 and don't smoke. I'm really worried thinking about this and terrified about going to see the ENT in case they find something bad.

09-08-18, 01:42
I had a friend in college who suffered from persistent hoarseness and larygitis-like symptoms. She went to an ENT and it turns out it was caused by acid reflux!