View Full Version : Had an EMG

26-06-18, 15:56
Irrational, I know. I'm a 28 year old Male. Tuesday I started having twitches in both of my calves. They are pretty much constant all day long. They happen in other parts of both legs and feet, but predominantly in the calves. I dont have any problems doing anything. I've went and lifted weights this week with no problems, however I feel them when I'm standing too. Not just at rest. Got bloodwork Thursday, and everything was perfect. Doctor also did the "knee jerk" reflex test, and both knees were normal. I assume that's a good sign right? On Friday, I started getting a pain in them that felt like they are about to cramp, but they never do. No obvious signs of weakness, which I know is the big deal. Ive been taking magnesium to see, but it hasn't helped yet. On vacation right now and having a hard time enjoying it to the fullest. Just looking for some reassurance.

26-06-18, 16:05
Please read this. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=196071) It can give more reassurance than I ever could.

26-06-18, 16:12
I've read that a few times. It makes me feel better as far as the twitching, (although my constant twitching isnt widespread, its predominately in the calves) but not the cramp type pain. Does a cramping pain point away from ALS as well? It says aches, numbness, and things like that, but not cramping. I guess that's what's keeping me worried.

26-06-18, 16:27
I've read that a few times. It makes me feel better as far as the twitching, (although my constant twitching isnt widespread, its predominately in the calves) but not the cramp type pain. Does a cramping pain point away from ALS as well? It says aches, numbness, and things like that, but not cramping. I guess that's what's keeping me worried.

ALS is about failing, not feeling. It's when the muscles actually stop working because the brain's signals don't reach them. Would a muscle cramp if it's wires to the brain were disconnected?

Positive thoughts

26-06-18, 16:47
Yeah, I guess that makes sense. So the fact that my twitching is localized to my calves isnt cause for concern either?

26-06-18, 16:57
Read THIS (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=196071) as often as you need to! It's proof you don't have ALS. And please do not post on ALS forums for reassurance.

Positive thoughts

26-06-18, 16:59
Thanks a lot! I've read about BFS. I dont know how familiar you are with it, but are cramping pains a symptom of that as well as the twitching?

26-06-18, 17:08
Thanks a lot! I've read about BFS. I dont know how familiar you are with it, but are cramping pains a symptom of that as well as the twitching?

Don't know much about BFS but I do know there's a forum dedicated to it as many here have spoken of it.

Positive thoughts

26-06-18, 21:52
Thanks a lot! I've read about BFS. I dont know how familiar you are with it, but are cramping pains a symptom of that as well as the twitching?

BFS can manifest in different ways - twitching, fluttering, tremors, in one muscle, in one limb, face, eyelids, tongue...or widespread. All that is BFS. No weakness and/or no atrophy means no ALS (you need to have both atrophy and weakness to have ALS), MS, MG or any other neuro-muscular disease.

26-06-18, 23:26
Thank you both for easing my mind. Got a message from my doctor saying that it's not ALS (because I asked, I'm sure he thought that was a crazy question). So I'll trust him. He knows more about it than me. Going to try and enjoy the rest of vacation and not worry about it. Thanks again!

28-06-18, 01:40
I was doing better, until today my legs started shaking when I stand. Any idea what that is? I believe that's a symptom of ALS as well right?

28-06-18, 02:56
I was doing better, until today my legs started shaking when I stand. Any idea what that is? I believe that's a symptom of ALS as well right?

The fact that you can stand proves you don't have ALS, go enjoy your vacation.

28-06-18, 03:35
I was doing better, until today my legs started shaking when I stand. Any idea what that is? I believe that's a symptom of ALS as well right?

I have this weird sensation in my legs that they're gonna crumble any time now; but it hasn't happened yet.

I am experiencing this because the current state of my mental health is provoked by Mr. anxiety. It's chronic and gets better after periods of not worrying about my legs, or any other body part for that matter.

It's really annoying because it feels so real, but I'm 100% it's not real after trying similar episodes over and over.

I can let you know that I've struggled with anxiety since I was a little boy, and I haven't died yet, even after countless visits to the doctor and endless episodes of different symptoms in my body. :D

Stay positive!

08-08-18, 18:50
Hey guys, posted here about two months ago about having twitches predominately in my calves and feet. I was obviously worried about the big one that we all find ourselves worried about. Still twitching, and recently it feels as if my left ankle area is weak. I feel like it could be that I'm thinking about it and concentrating on every step. About two weeks ago, I had an EMG l and all came back normal. This should clear me, right? Should I even worry about my ankle feeling the way it does?

08-08-18, 19:02
About two weeks ago, I had an EMG l and all came back normal. This should clear me, right?


1. conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.
"it's quite normal for puppies to bolt their food"
synonyms: usual, standard, ordinary, customary, conventional, habitual, accustomed, expected, wonted; More

2. technical (of a line, ray, or other linear feature) intersecting a given line or surface at right angles.

1. the usual, average, or typical state or condition.
"her temperature was above normal"

Positive thoughts

08-08-18, 19:09
You shouldn't give it a second thought. I always get twitching and numbness and tingling with anxiety. Last week my foot was vibrating for four days straight. You know when it finally stopped? When my anxiety jumped to something else and I forget about it. I had horrible sciatica pain at the time, so it's possible there was so physical nerve aspect to it, but the anxiety was absolutely exaserbating it.

08-08-18, 19:24

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


08-08-18, 20:58
I know the EMG means all clear l, right? But I just feel like I would be completely over this fear, if I was still just twitching. It just feels like I'm limping when I walk. Which is what has me concerned.

08-08-18, 21:23
I know the EMG means all clear l, right? But I just feel like I would be completely over this fear, if I was still just twitching. It just feels like I'm limping when I walk. Which is what has me concerned.

Normal EMG means all clear, definitely, 100%.

As for the twitching, you will twitch as long as you fear it. Therefore, to make the twitch go away you need top learn to control the fear (btw the fear has a name, it is called health anxiety).

As for the limp, you only FEEL it. If you had any serious motor neuron or other neurological disorder, other people would have noticed the limp or you wouldn't be able to use that leg at all.

09-08-18, 05:14
Yes BFS can involve cramping. The related disorder is BFCS and has cramping in the title. Every day that goes by that your muscles do not fail you is more and more proof of the benign nature of your condition. I have been twitching for 18 months and my left calf is my worst hotspot. Listen to your drs. ALS is a very rare condition whereas 70% of the population will show at least some benign fasiculations on a EMG.

Stop focusing on it, talk to a psychologist about CBT and try to enjoy life!

BTW a clean EMG is 100% definitive.