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View Full Version : hallucinating sounds at night

08-08-18, 20:01
a few nights ago i started hearing noises at night as i was falling asleep. sometimes it sounds like a loud metal sound and sometimes it sounds like someone is whispering inside of my head. im scared this means theres something wrong with my brain or my hearing it only happens when im in bed trying to sleep and it always happens at least three times beofre im able to sleep throguh it.

08-08-18, 21:13
Because they only occur at night as you're falling asleep, they sound like hypnagogic hallucinations. They're completely harmless and very common!

I get them too, except mine are mostly visual. I "see" dark orange spiders in mine and get them pretty much every night. But they can definitely be auditory as well (sometimes I hear doors slamming when I have auditory ones).

Of course, anxiety and/or stress can make them worse. But they're really nothing to worry about.

mare serenitatis
09-08-18, 04:14
I used to hear ducks before I went to sleep! Never at any other time.

09-08-18, 04:45
Yes, it's normal! I used to get it as a teenager. I would hear a dog barking...but never had a dog.

09-08-18, 05:38
I live alone and often hear either my dogs barking or glass breaking as I’m dozing off. I get up and investigate and the dogs are sound asleep and no broken glass. Always happens when I’m under stress and think I’m handling it well. I guess that’s one of the ways it manifests and tells me I’m really not coping as well as I thought.