View Full Version : Scared of oesophegus cancer

08-08-18, 20:46
Im so scared I daren't go to Dr I do take a low dose lansparosal, this morning i woke up with like a trapped wind feeling in my throat,as day progressed its like my oesophegus is inflamed ,burns, sensitive between breast bone even pain under tongue.im wondering if it was caused from eating several sweet baby to.tomatoes atoes last night before I went to bed but all the information I read on indigestion is related to lower stomach and this isn't there . Im so worried .I am doing minor burping but i think that's just me ...Im so uncomfortable ..anybody else experienced this?

08-08-18, 21:21
acid reflux comes up into the mouth and burns.

08-08-18, 21:40
Im so scared I daren't go to Dr I do take a low dose lansparosal, this morning i woke up with like a trapped wind feeling in my throat,as day progressed its like my oesophegus is inflamed ,burns, sensitive between breast bone even pain under tongue.im wondering if it was caused from eating several sweet baby to.tomatoes atoes last night before I went to bed but all the information I read on indigestion is related to lower stomach and this isn't there . Im so worried .I am doing minor burping but i think that's just me ...Im so uncomfortable ..anybody else experienced this?

No it is not. I had an oesophagitis (inflammation of the oesophagus) once and believe me, you would KNOW if you had it. I wouldn't with that sort of pain to the worst enemy.

Therefore, it is just acid reflux.

09-08-18, 10:42
I've woken today had a piece of toast and banana didn't go down well felt so heavy even water was uncomfortable to drink in getting so worked up

09-08-18, 11:28
If you are getting worked up then it will make the whole issue seem 100 times worse.

09-08-18, 11:42
You are right Nicola , im trying to calm myself down I spoke to Dr he said sounds like over acidity and to up my lansparosal
It feels so uncomfortable even when Dr I king water it feels like goes down heavy ,I can't focus on anything else.
It doesn't help I've lost 3 friends to oesophegus cancer in last 2 yrs and another just been diagnosed im in such a state

13-08-18, 20:36
I feel for you so badly. I’m going through this now and it’s hell. I finally broke down and made an appointment to see my gastro tomorrow. I’m going to ask for a scope because I’m genuinely tired of this being a constant issue. All I can tell you is I’ve had some of your symptoms. The pain near my sternum and also in my back behind where my sternum in front would be and I’m also worked up over it. Do you have issues taking deep breaths? When I do it hurts in my back which can be GERD related I’m told. If you need to chat just pm me. I know it can be a lonely thing to go through. Let us know how you are and I pray you feel better soon.

13-08-18, 22:49
You are right Nicola , im trying to calm myself down I spoke to Dr he said sounds like over acidity and to up my lansparosal
It feels so uncomfortable even when Dr I king water it feels like goes down heavy ,I can't focus on anything else.
It doesn't help I've lost 3 friends to oesophegus cancer in last 2 yrs and another just been diagnosed im in such a state

Tell your Dr about your friends who have had OC and ask for a referral to get a gastroscopy (scope) done. It will see right into your stomach as well, so any inflammation from reflux will be seen. It's a simple procedure with mild sedation and will put your mind at rest.

You may have some motility issues going on in your oesophagus, I've had the trapped air bubbles going on as well plus burping, it comes and goes. I had a gastroscopy earlier this year which was fine, and then did a barium swallow later on, where some motility issues were picked up. I just make sure I drink plenty of water with my food and especially with vitamin tablets or meds.

13-08-18, 23:00
It doesn't help I've lost 3 friends to oesophegus cancer in last 2 yrs and another just been diagnosed im in such a state

I can't imagine losing three friends to cancer, let alone the same cancer in two years, and a 4th diagnosed with the same cancer?! Where do you live? Chernobyl?

No wonder you're spiraling. All I can say is it just doesn't turn into cancer with severe symptoms over night. What you're describing is GERD/reflux. Look into the FODMAP (https://www.ibsdiets.org/fodmap-diet/fodmap-food-list/) diet and follow your doctors orders on the PPI.

Positive thoughts