View Full Version : Panic can't win

14-08-07, 21:15
:) I had my first panic attack about 13 years ago and it was quite scary at the time. I have always been a nervous person and doctors always wanted to give me tablets and I have always said no.
My nervous routine involved me creating saliva this then went onto hyperventilation syndrome. I am presently reading a book by Dinah Bradley to help me with my breathing. Some days are better than others and anything can trigger my attacks, just me thinking about them. I could cope with the attacks its just the breathing that is really getting me down and I would do anything to stop it, but I know I am the only person who can. Sometimes I think it is mind over matter and it probably is, god if I can cope with some of the things that have happened to me these attacks are a easy. The only thing that gets me down is the breathing and I don't want it to restricit me from doing everyday things.

15-08-07, 09:33
Hi BritishBlu.

I've personally never suffered with hyperventilation, but loads of people here have and I'm sure they will be able to help.

There are lots of relaxation exercises you can do to help you learn how to control your breathing. These are available either on CD etc or some books and leaflets will give you the guidelines. It takes practice but I believe it can be very helpful.

The main thing you need to try to do is breathe from your stomach rather than your chest, and do it slowly. Breathe in to the count of 4, and out to the count of 4.

Try getting some exercises :)


15-08-07, 11:42
Hi there

Just hold that thought: "Panic can't win!"

Its what I tell myself when I start to feel panicky.

Breathing is one of the first things, and mostly I don't even realise it until I start to feel dizzy. That's when I realise I am over-breathing and must take control again. Sometimes I have to follow the breathing exercises a few times before it really works. I used to think Oh No its not working, the panic is taking over..... but now I know that sometimes I just have to concentrate on breathing "properly" and not let my mind wander too soon. Then it does work and I do feel better.

I have learned to become more confident in my ability to get back in control. I'd love not to have these things at all, but knowing that I can (with breathing exercises and distracting myself with other things) make the panic go away makes each time easier.

I really hope this helps.

Read my post in success stories of climbing a mountain. Last year I could hardly get out of my house because of a bad PA, and missed out on lots of things. With a step at a time I've achieved a lot this year. Tiny steps can take you a long way...

15-08-07, 13:13
Hi Britishblue,
Thats My Main Thing To Is Hyperventalting God Its Awful But We Have To Learn To Calm Down And Get Our Breathing Right But After So Many Yrs Of Breathing This Way Including Myself Is Gonna Take Alot Of Practice....wish Ya The Best.........linda