View Full Version : Chronic abdominal, back & pelvic pain ruining my life! Bowel cancer fears

09-08-18, 12:30
So this whole thing started mid-may.

I developed a horrible pain in my lower right back that spread to my right side, into my pelvis and also in my right front thigh which I put down to period pain

I went to the GP and he thought it was a high up kidney infection so I was sent to A&E because they thought I had sepsis.

Went on a truck loaf of antibiotics for a UTI, UTI eventually cleared but here we are over 2 months later and I'm still in pain every day!

I had an ultrasound, a chest x-ray and an abdominal x-ray because they thought I might have kidney stones but everything came back clear. All bloods normal except for infection makers.

I'm waiting to see a urologist but in the meantime these pains are really getting me down. Like really down. I'm miserable.

I'm suffering from agoraphobia and it's making my exposure therapy much more difficult because I have an actual health concern I'm fixating on! It's hard to push and keep getting outside when I fear I'll collapse of whatever this pain is.

The doctors have gone down the urological route but I can't help worrying I have some sort of advance stage bowel cancer because I get horrendous cramping when I go to the toilet. My bowel moves are constantly changing I bloat randomly through the day, my stomach is constantly making whirling gurgling noises, I'm experiencing horrendous gas which has never been a problem for me and this pain on my right side just won't let up! It can sometimes be so painful that I feel i'll pass out! Especially the cramping before bowel movements! Also it can be a sharp stabbing pain which is also horrific. Sometimes the pain feels like it's in the hip bone!

But the GP wasn't interested and said he didn't think it was my bowel.

I've kept my health anxiety at bay for a long time and really tried to not seek reassurance or fixate on my physical symptoms but I'm constantly in pain and exhausted that it's hard not to fear the worst.
I've eliminated things from my diet to try to improve things. Nothing's worked. Even not eating doesn't work. Pain killers barely do anything. Hot water bottles won't help. I really really feel I'm at breaking point and I'm terrified it's something serious

09-08-18, 12:41
I've uploaded a pic of where I'm experiencing the pain

09-08-18, 13:59
I suspect there are a couple of things going on. IBS-like gastric symptoms and muscular problem in pelvic region (piriformis muscle is prime suspect - look it up for exercises).

I don't think it's 'something serious'.